It's unbelievable what you can forget when you don't play Quake for about a year.
I'm almost certain that I used to run joequake-gl at 1920x1200 with all the bells-n-whistles. But, back then, I had a GeForce 7600GT. I archived my Quake directory and pulled it out recently. Since then I've upgraded my video to a Radeon HD 3870. Game fires up, but the screen is merely a collection of indistinguishable colors. My guess is that I'm probably missing something GL related somewhere or there's a video setting that's not standing out. Standard Joequake fires up and I can see the game and menu with no problem.
Any ideas?
What I've tried....
goequake-gl -width 800 -height 600 -bpp 16
Looked everywhere in my ATI video applet for GL, but don't see any reference or settings anywhere to *anything* GL.
renamed all .CFG files
pak0.pak is in joequake dir (though it's only 4Mb)
2008-02-16 15:27:32
Console initialized
Security module not found
Video mode 800x600x16 initialized
GL_VENDOR: ATI Technologies Inc.
GL_VERSION: 2.0.7055 Release
Multitexture extensions found
Enabled 2 texture units on hardware
Vsync control extensions found
joystick detected
Avi capturing module initialized
ACM module initialized
DirectSound initialized
Sound sampling rate: 11025 Hz
Exe: 12:59:13 Oct 7 2007
Hunk allocation: 32.0 MB
JoeQuake version 0.15dev (build 1862)
JoeQuake Initialized