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Bug Rpt: "Settings not preserved" [=Baker003] |
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Author: | Baker [ Sun Oct 26, 2003 11:16 pm ] |
Post subject: | Bug Rpt: "Settings not preserved" [=Baker003] |
The Brightness, Contrast and Video Options (particle effects, shadow settings, trilinear, etc.) settings are not preserved from session to session. |
Author: | Jozsef [ Mon Oct 27, 2003 8:22 am ] |
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You mean the cvar's aren't saved in config.cfg? Yes, I know. Would you like those to be saved? All right, just tell me exactly which cvars should be saved. I just didn't activated that flag (archive) of those cvars, since I didn't know whether ppl would like it or not. |
Author: | Baker [ Mon Oct 27, 2003 2:10 pm ] |
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Joe, not sure the names of them, but basically the gamma and contrast variables so that when JoeQuake is restarted the previous level of luminosity is restored + those QMB particle settings and such in video options. Probably most of these variables. I haven't fully explored all of them, but I did notice that some of them did not seem to be written to config.cfg and even if I manually set the gamma/contrast in config.cfg, JoeQuake didn't seem read them to restore them. JoeQuake manual excerpts wrote: ============ New cvars ============ r_explosiontype Sets various types of explosions. Values: 0 - normal (affected by gravity), 1 - normal (old style), 2 - just sprite, 3 - just particles, 4 - slight blood. I may add more if anyone requires. Its value is 0 by default. r_explosionlight Turns explosion's light on/off, 1 by default. r_rocketlight Turns flying rocket's light on/off, 1 by default. r_rtrail Turns flying rocket's trail on/off, 1 by default. r_gtrail Turns flying grenade's trail on/off, 1 by default. r_r2g Replace the rocket model with grenade, 0 by default. (popular in deathmatch) cl_truelightning Makes the lightning gun's bolt more precise, 0 by default. Can be 0.0 (off) - 1.0 (most precise). gamma (gl_gamma in GL) and contrast (gl_contrast in GL) One of the most important features. These are for your viewing pleasure scr_scalemenu Scales the menu to fit for any resolutions, 1 by default. scr_centermenu Makes the menu centered, 1 by default. scr_centersbar Makes the status bar (hud) centered, 0 by default. cl_sbar Toggles between transparent (0) and old/original (1) huds, 0 by default. v_gunkick Turns weapon's jarring every time when firing on/off, 0 by default. r_powerupglow Turns powerup glow around player's body on/off, 1 by default. scr_consize Adjust the console's size, 0.5 (half size) by default. Can be 0.0 (nothing visible) - 1.0 (fully visble). NOTE: when the console is pulled down, you can also adjust the size with using the ctrl+up or ctrl+down keys. scr_printstats Print actual statistics (time, secrets, kills) to the upper right corner of the screen, 1 by default. Values: 0 - off, 1 - always on, 2 - only on if some reasonable event happens. scr_printstats_length If scr_printstats is set to 2, the printing takes as long as it's set in this cvar, 0.5 by default. The value represents seconds. dem_rewind Toggles between normal and backward demoplaying, 0 by default. Only works when playing a demo. show_speed and show_fps Their functions speak for themselves. r_fullbrightskins Makes player(s)'s skins fullbright, 0 by default. mapname Contains actual map's name, for built-in use. cl_bonusflash Turns pickup flashes on/off, 1 by default. cl_muzzleflash Turns muzzle flashes (flashes when firing) on/off, 1 by default. v_contentblend Turns liquid blends on/off, 1 by default. v_damagecshift Turns damage flashes on/off, 1 by default. v_quadcshift Turns quad damage's blend on/off, 1 by default. v_pentcsift Turns pentagram's blend on/off, 1 by default. v_ringcshift Turns invisibilty's blend on/off, 1 by default. v_suitcshift Turns environment suit's blend on/off, 1 by default. r_viewmodelsize Adjust the amount of your weapon to be visible, 1 by default (fully visible). Can be 0.0 (not visble, equals "r_drawviewmodel 0") - 1.0 (see above). This is useful for people using bigger fovs than 90. The following ones are only work in GL: gl_interpolate_animation and gl_interpolate_transform's popular code, both are 1 by default. r_explosionlightcolor Sets the color of explosions glows. Only works if r_explosionlight is on. Values: 0 - default, 1 - blue, 2 - red, 3 - purple, 4 - random. r_rocketlightcolor Sets the color of flying rockets glows. Only works if r_rocketlight is on. Values: same as for r_explosinlightcolor. gl_conalpha Sets the transparency of the console, 0.8 by default. Can be 0.0 (totally transparent) - 1.0 (not transparent). r_skybox Sets a custom skybox, "" by default (no skybox). See more info about this at the "setsky" command. gl_colorlights Turns colorful lights on/off, 1 by default. This is the control for both dynamic and static colored lights. scr_sshot_type Sets the type of screenshot image, "tga" by default. Can be "tga" or "png". gl_waterfog Adds fog inside (not just water, but) all kinds of liquids, 1 by default. Values: 0 - off, 2 - realistic, other - normal. gl_waterfog_density For further costumizing gl_waterfog, 1 by default. Can be 0.0 (low amount of fog) - 1.0 (high amount of fog). gl_detail Turns bump mapping on/off, 0 by default. Requires hi-end systems. gl_part_explosions Turns QMB explosions on/off, 0 by default. NOTE: QMB is an improved particle engine for Quake. gl_part_trails Turns QMB trails on/off, 0 by default. gl_part_spikes Turns QMB spikes on/off, 0 by default. gl_part_gunshots Turns QMB gunshots on/off, 0 by default. gl_part_blood Turns QMB blood on/off, 0 by default. gl_part_telesplash Turns QMB teleport splashes on/off, 0 by default. gl_part_blobs Turns QMB spawn explosions on/off, 0 by default. gl_part_lavasplash Turns QMB lavasplashes on/off, 0 by default. gl_part_inferno Turns QMB flames on/off, 0 by default. gl_bouncparticles Turns bouncing particles on/off, 1 by default. Only works for QMB particles. -------------------------------------------------------- ============ New commands ============ cmdlist Lists all console commands. cvarlist Lists all console variables. toggleparticles |
Author: | Jozsef [ Tue Oct 28, 2003 10:41 am ] |
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why dont you setup an autoexec.cfg with JQ's variables? |
Author: | Baker [ Tue Oct 28, 2003 11:14 am ] |
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I set one and check to see if that helps. |
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