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EXMY folder, need to separate into different folders.
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Author:  suicidal [ Thu Nov 20, 2003 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  EXMY folder, need to separate into different folders.

ok, im coming from using fuhquake and i have a folder that has all the 24bit textures from the id maps (i think all, maybe just the first chapter of quake). joequake doesnt support group stuff like this exmy folder. so i have a big problem. i need to separate then into indiviual folders, thas gonna be a bitch cause thye are all put together (theres 330 files in there!!) in one folder (exmy).

so im asking for someone to at least name the files that go into each map.
for example:

map start contains: +3slip.png, +ashoot.png.......etc etc...

of course this could of been so easy if joequake supports groups, but oh well. is there an alternative way to make them work?

Author:  Jozsef [ Thu Nov 20, 2003 8:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Just put them into /textures and there you go, no need to seperate them. Or, I'll add the group feature if it's needed that badly.

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