I just wanted to say to the creator, keep up the good work!
I've been following user-made source ports for classic games for years now. Doomsday, Quake2 Evolved, and Quake3: Generations to name a few. Telejano used to be my favorite engine for Quake, but now I like JoeQuake a little more. Telejano is great, but it hasn't progressed as fast as I thought it would, and it is lacking many features that I thought it would have had by now. I feel like there are so many scattered source ports out there for Quake that have a few nice effects, but none of them are anything special. What I like about JoeQuake is that it combines many of those nice features found in those other source ports. I even use the Crosshairs from Telejano! The high-resolution console and the added on map list menu are what really make JoeQuake unique I think. I know FuhQuake is ok, but it lacks some of the JoeQuake features.
I hope you plan to continue updating JoeQuake. It's a great engine, but with some updates, it could be even better. Here is a small "wish list" of mine, if you don't mind:
-If you could, it would be nice to have a few more of the basic variables included in the menu. +mlook (mouse look) and sv_aim "1" (no auto-aim) to name a few.
-An option to increase or decrease the density of bump mapping. As it is now, the bump mapping is a little too intense for my taste.
-Lens Flares would be a nice addition. If you have ever seen the lens flares in Doomsday, then you know what I mean. They add lots of atmosphere to the game.
-There are a few nice particle effects in Telejano that I would like to see in JoeQuake. In the map E1M1 for example, the lights that flicker off to the right in the first room make particle sparks appear. It looks very nice.
-I know you probably expect everyone to be able to create an autoexec.cfg file that has the commands they wish to use, but it would be nice if you could have the menu save the changed options. This way, I wouldn't have to add all the commands from outside of the game. Currently, I have an autoexec file that points to another file (named settings.cfg) that has the following variables:
sv_aim "1"
crosshairimage "crosshair5"
r_rockettrail "2"
scr_consize "0.45
scr_printstats "0"
gl_consolefont "1"
scr_scalemenu "0"
gl_caustics "1"
gl_waterfog_density "0.6"
gl_detail "1"
gl_bounceparticles "1"
r_shadows "0.5"
gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
crosshairsize "1.2"
crosshaircolor "15"
crosshairimage "crosshair1"
gl_vertexlights "1"
gl_conalpha "0.8"
And a batch file with these commands:
joequake-gl.exe -44khz -width 1024 -bpp 32 -heapsize 158000 -game mpatch
It sure would be nice if someone in the Quake community either created a launcher to configure these commands easier, or a better in-game menu. I'm actually surprised that no one has yet! The Doomsday engine for Doom, Heretic, and Hexen seems to have surpassed the Quake community by far. It has an in-game menu with loads of options as well as a great launcher. It would be awesome to see something like this for Quake.
Sorry for such a long post. JoeQuake surprised me when I started checking out all the features it has, so I had to post about it here.