I dont like to pester, but here are a few suggestions would be very useful to me. i dont know how other people feel about them.
These are mainly things that I wanted when I was coding a demo browser/manager/player app thing.
* a seperate command to quit immediatly without prompting (so, for example, i could stuff it at the end of blah.dem before i ran "joequake-gl.exe +playdemo blah". Joequake would run, play the demo, and then leave again automajikally). Or alternatively, a command to play a demo and then quit without prompting. [EDIT] OOPS! sorry, i should have searched first, i see this has already been implemented
* a command to play a list of demo's, one after another (would need to somehow ignore "playdemo" stuffedtext at the end of demo files, that could be tricky)
* command to change the game directory. currently i *THINK* this can only be done by either playing a demo, or changing directory in the demo menu and leaving again, but i might be wrong about that :/.
-george dickeson