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picmip_all and color skins
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Author:  sputnikutah [ Tue Sep 07, 2004 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  picmip_all and color skins

ok trying to fix this...
example type gl_nocolors 1 and then look at a player from a distance and
walk up to them and away again.. smooth texture dither

now gl_nocolor 0 and do the same..
the player skin is ugly blocky and not blended very well....

somehow the skin is added after the model is blended??


Author:  Jozsef [ Sat Sep 11, 2004 3:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

this is becoz the colormap is added onto the texture seperately and won't go through the r_resampletexturelerpline() function. Long ago I had tried to do something with it, but it doesn't work. One should use multiple skinned player.mdl instead imho, that colormap thingie is outdated and looks ugly for me...

Author:  sputnikutah [ Sat Sep 11, 2004 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  oh yeah

true, in CTF i created new skins for red and blue teams, named it player_1 and player_3 in png format.. looks cool and clean..

what i was trying to add reciently to JQ was somehow getting the
team color and using a corrisponding texture as the color.
like if I type color 4 and gl_teamskin 1 then it would load up
a red skin in 24bit color. This would be good cause pub servers dont use custom skins, just skin0 :O

i was gonna modify loadaliastexture and create an array of 16 texture and call them somewhere down the line, maybe in drawaliasmodel
but so far i havent implemented just reading alot of code.... :mrgreen:

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