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Oddity about demo playback
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Author:  Stubgaard [ Sat Sep 25, 2004 7:14 am ]
Post subject:  Oddity about demo playback


Something strange happens when I try to play back demos. They sorta freeze randomly for half a second at a time or so, and the sound begins to pludder (is that the right word?) it's also very random on what demos it does this. It never happens when I play the maps myself though, it's only when I play back demos.

It never happened on my old rig (AMD 600mhz, PC100 RAM, etc.), but on my new system it does (AMD64 3200+, DDR RAM, etc.)

It happens in both Win2000 and XP, and also with/without Service Packs. I have the newest ForceWare drivers installed, but I also tried with some older ones and the same thing happened.

Also, it seems to happen with different version of JoeQuake as well.

Does anyone have a clue what might cause this? Or if it's a Windows related bug?

Author:  Stubgaard [ Sat Sep 25, 2004 7:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Oh, I forgot to mention that the menu is doing weird shit too.

It works fine when I load Quake, but after I've played a demo the menu pludders ALOT, so much that it's hard to navigate through it.

It's not exactly the same thing as the demo playback issue, but I think they are somewhat related.

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