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joequake pro setup/config
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Author:  yellow#5 [ Wed May 04, 2005 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  joequake pro setup/config

I've been working on make a snazzy joequake (jppro 1.5) setup for a while, and I want to know if there's anything I'm missing?

My bat file for launching jq:
joequake-gl.exe -game joequake -iplog -width 1024 -height 768 -bpp 32 -conwidth 576 -conheight 432
Should I have -heapsize x in there?

And in my autoexec.cfg:
sv_aim 1
scr_conspeed 900
gl_flashblend 0
r_rockettrail 3
gl_conalpha .5
scr_printstats 0
gl_consolefont charset-1
cl_sbar 1

When I started using joequake, it screwed up my aim that the center of the screen was lower. This is because by default, it runs fullscreen and overlays status bar elements, where in regular/proquake the status bar pushes up everything and makes aim a little higher. So now I use cl_sbar 1, and edited the hud graphics (which were made for cl_sbar 0) to look nice and match the menu graphics I'm using (from moon drunk). I like this setup so that I can easily switch between joequake and proquake for cheat free servers.


Author:  Jozsef [ Fri May 06, 2005 3:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

that was a bug in original quake when it pushed up the screen, it also screwed up the fov at some values, so this is a bugfix in JoeQuake.

You can use -mem instead of -heapsize: it does the same thing, the only difference is that it means the size in megabytes, like -mem 64 allocates 64 MBs of memory.

And, you needn't use -game joequake, coz joequake/ is always added to the path by default.

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