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Linux + Ati GLX (FC3, Ubuntu 5.04) RPM DEB kernel 2.6
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Author:  13Homer [ Tue May 24, 2005 3:16 am ]
Post subject:  Linux + Ati GLX (FC3, Ubuntu 5.04) RPM DEB kernel 2.6

Fedora Core 3

0. First of all you need install Xorg and ensure it is working. It is obvious.
. . Shutdown X-windows if you are runnig it.

1. find and download newest Ati drivers (for Xorg) from ... olderID=27

2. Install drivers: rpm -i fglrx_6____.rpm - it will compile some bytes (making fglrx module), so you need:
. . - compiler (gcc)
. . - kernel headers (I'm not sure, maybe it is glibc-kernheaders, maybe glibc-headers)

3. Backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf, maybe you will need it later.

4. Generate /etc/X11/xorg.conf using fglrxconfig.
. . It will ask a few questions. Usual you will accept default settings (showed in [] brackets)
. . More importent are:
. . . . Monitor settings - if you know them, just enter it; if not - they probably are in your backuped xorg.conf
. . . . "Do you want to use the external AGP GART module?" answer YES, it makes Xorg using module you just installed
. . . . "Which storage method do you want to use?" - someone suggest 2, so I chose it, but I think it does not really matter.

5. Execute this:
echo "install fglrx /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install fglrx" >> /etc/modprobe.conf

. . It adds new entry to your modprobe config file which makes necesary module (fglrx) loaded at Linux startup.

6. Load module. Executing:
modprobe fglrx

. . or restarting Linux.

7. Start X-windows.

8. Open terminal and execute fglrxinfo. If you see something like
OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: RADEON <something>

. . you finished.


Ad 6. You can check whether module is loaded executing lsmod (as ROOT)

Ad 7. If you cannot start X-windows, check log file /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors.

Ad 7_1: If there is something like this:
. . . . "No matching Device section form instance (BusID PCI:x:0:0)" - it means you do not have module (fglrx) loaded.
. . . . . . Check it using lsmod. If there is no fglrx module listed, try load it using modprobe:
modprobe fglrx

Ad 7_2: If this is something else, like "cannot find pointer device" you need compare xorg.conf you generated to backuped (and working) file.

Ad 8. If you see
OpenGL vendor string: Mesa <something>

. . probably module (fglrx) was not loaded. Try modprobe fglrx.

Ubuntu 5.04

It's basically the same as FC3, with, of course, one exception: you don't install RPM but DEB. As for me it was easy. I converted RPM to DEB using alien (alien -d fglrx_6___.rpm).

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