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24bit model textures in joequake
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Author:  woods [ Sat Jul 16, 2005 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  24bit model textures in joequake

Where do I put the 24bit model textures for them to load in JoeQuake?

The armor textures and the weapon model skins. They don't seem to be loading at 24bit. It is loading the 8bit texture skins.

Author:  Baker [ Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:43 am ]
Post subject: 

I wrote this up and believe it is correct, but I could be wrong about some of this:

quake\joequake                      // where joequake files reside
quake\joequake\env                  // custom skyboxes
quake\joequake\lits                 // custom lighting
quake\joequake\textures             // general textures (any map, water, lava, ..)
quake\joequake\textures\bmodels     // basic models (health, ammo, etc.)
quake\joequake\textures\charsets    // custom character sets
quake\joequake\textures\models      // models for models and items (backpacks)
quake\joequake\textures\particles   // smoke, rocket trails, etc.
quake\joequake\textures\wad         // hud elements (aka statusbar)

quake\joequake\textures\(map name)  // custom textures for a particular map
quake\joequake\textures\dm6         // example of a particular map

So, you would put them in joequake\textures\models

If it is an actual .mdl model, it needs to go in joequake\progs

Someone correct me if I am wrong.

Author:  Jozsef [ Sat Jul 16, 2005 2:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

yea, exactly what baker wrote with the addition that lits can also go to maps/lits folder :)

btw, just for seeing clear:
bmodels means "brush models" which are the .bsp extension models, like b_batt0.bsp, b_nail1.bsp, etc. these are ammo boxes.
models are the "alias models" using the .mdl extension, that's why their textures should go the models/ dir.

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