Rune Central

Available 8.2.2005 - Beta Tester Signup Sheet
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Author:  Baker [ Fri Jul 22, 2005 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Available 8.2.2005 - Beta Tester Signup Sheet


Available for testing 7.26.2005

Author:  trinca [ Fri Jul 22, 2005 3:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

looks great :) release fast :p

Author:  MegaZoid [ Fri Jul 22, 2005 6:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sign me up :twisted:

Author:  impTIMI [ Fri Jul 22, 2005 6:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

király :)

Author:  knastextrem [ Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  scripts

Are there weapon scripts etc in the quakemenu included?

Author:  Arkon [ Sat Jul 23, 2005 9:39 am ]
Post subject: 

sign me too!

Author:  Polarite [ Sat Jul 23, 2005 12:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

U can sign me in.

Author:  DarkRain [ Sat Jul 23, 2005 10:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sign Me Up. :D

Author:  mindfieldzx [ Tue Jul 26, 2005 4:53 am ]
Post subject: 

count me in

Author:  Baker [ Tue Jul 26, 2005 1:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Will be available sometime between 11 PM and Midnight Eastern USA time zone. 8)

I'll private message download location and instructions to everyone in the thread at that time.

Thanks to everyone who volunteered to help test this out. Anyone who didn't sign up yet ... I can still use more so feel free to sign up. :D

Author:  Baker [ Tue Jul 26, 2005 11:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok, I'm going to be private messaging download locations here in a minute.

My main concern is ....

Stage 1
1) Does it successfully install? Install it to your Quake folder.
2) Does it run or generate an error?

Many of the features are disabled while I construct them and I will have another build tomorrow.

To my knowledge, it requires Internet Explorer 5.5 or later be installed on a computer and should run on Windows 95 or later.

My first concern is whether or not it runs on machines with older operating systems. I expect it will, but I don't have any of those available :)

Author:  Baker [ Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:56 pm ]
Post subject: 




I should have a newer beta version available to tomorrow. This next one should be fully functional or very close to it. I'll PM everyone in this thread that download link when it is ready.

Author:  Baker [ Tue Aug 02, 2005 5:33 am ]
Post subject: 

If I'm lucky, I'll have this available today. I was struggling with some codec annoyances that consumed a block of time I could have been using better, but I did figure it out and that's important.

Some screenshots (jpg looks muddy but the PNG were enormous):


The auto-make AVI feature is what I got stuck on for a while, at one point I thought about delaying that feature. Some codec pack messed up something and the standard XVID codec pack has a quirk (it steals focus from full-screen JoeQuake and records a black screen).

Nevertheless, one button to make an AVI. Click ---> Done. Requires a codec, of course.

Some other screens.



Here is an example map list it produces:

[Custom Maps=309]
[End Custom Maps]

I actually wrote some code to scan custom maps and identify which ones have monsters and therefore single player value. I might not have this in the first version because my goal is to get it completed first and add extras later.

It also can generate diagnostic information for posting in a forum or instant messaging to a buddy for why something is working or how-to do whatever. I've found all too often helping people with complicated problems is tough because I never get all the info I need the first time and often players with problems are the least likely to know much about their Quake/computer.

Example diagnostic output:

[Diagnostic Report: Tuesday, August 02, 2005]
// If you copy this to a text editor use a fixed-width font
// such as Courier New otherwise this won't look right

Quake Path               c:\program files\quake\                       
Quake Type               Registered         
JoeQuake-GL.Exe Date     2004-12-18         
JoeQuake.Exe Date        2004-12-18         
Launcher Version         1.0.73     


// 1) Someone on the Internet would connect to this
// 2) Someone on your LAN would connect to this
// 3) If you have a router, typically this is what to type in
//    your browser to access it (FireFox, Internet Explorer, ..)

1) Internet IP              
2) Local IP Address             
3) Default Gateway           

[Video Mode]

Current Mode In Pixels   1024x768x32 bpp               
Primary Display Adapter  NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 (1)                             
Resolution Width x       1024   
Resolution Height Y      768   
Color Setting            (True Color)           
Vertical Refresh         60 Hz     


Windows XP 5.1 build 2600 (Service Pack 1)

CPU Clock Speed          2.0 GHz (Gigahertz)                   
Memory Usage %           71 % used         
Total Physical RAM       260,592 Kbytes             
Total Available RAM      73,824 Kbytes             
Processes Running:       29 


// The count usually won't match XP/2000 task manager
// because if you start taskmgr (CTRL-ALT-DEL-> Processes Tab)
// that will be one more process running ;)

01) Admin.exe
02) Crypserv.exe
04) Directcd.exe
06) inetinfo.exe
07) LDServ.exe
09) mdm.exe
10) mozilla.exe
12) nvsvc32.exe
13) PQV2iSvc.exe
14) PSP4.EXE
15) realsched.exe
17) Smc.exe
20) sqlservr.exe
26) System
27) System Process
28) wdfmgr.exe
29) winlogon.exe


Eng Language Name        English       
Eng Country Name         United States             

There are a lot of other features but I'll leave those to be discovered when I have the download available hopefully later today as planned.

Author:  Bam [ Tue Aug 02, 2005 12:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

I really like the looks of the installer. Now people can easily set their config in the installer!

Send me a link of the new release too.


Author:  Baker [ Thu Aug 04, 2005 4:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Slight delay: I decided to add 2 features into it. It should be worth the extra day or 2.

Author:  Baker [ Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:54 am ]
Post subject: 


One of the features I added was to make it skinable. It took some time to implement, but now new skins can be made very rapidly.

Above is a pink skin ... there are a fair number of female players on the servers. I'm going to add a couple more base skins and then shortly after I release it probably make a utility that makes the process rather easy for someone with some mild PSP/Photoshop skillz.)

This feature mostly came about because there are 5 or 6 different ways I wanted it to look.

Author:  Baker [ Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:25 am ]
Post subject: 

Here is another one ...


Author:  Baker [ Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:16 am ]
Post subject: 

Time for update ...

The next beta will be available soon. I was unhappy with how a couple of the panels looked.

Redesigned panels:


The initial panel for Main had drop downs to select various settings. It occurred to me that while Quake players are very familiar with many of those settings, someone who hasn't played Quake would not know one from the other or what to choose.

I simplified the panel design. The old settings are STILL there, but someone who does not know what they are doing will see "Use Best" (the default) and will know that this a workable setting.


Initially, I was going to have it use Quake's standard deathmatch modes to play a LAN game or an internet game.

But what if there is no one to play? It needs the ability to launch a game with bots. That is taken care of: FBCA 0.92 KT

Additionally, the Quake standard deathmatch modes suck. I mean, they really, really suck. That is also taken care of. RuneQuake can run in hundreds of different modes and do any form of deathmatch far better than the original with every imaginable option (it almost shouldn't be called RuneQuake anymore).

Finally, to new players and those who don't know map names, things like E3M3 mean nothing. A mini-picture of the map selected is displayed.

Author:  Lightning Hunter [ Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey Baker, just thought I would let you know that I'm following this thread very closely. I've been waiting for someone to make a good launcher for a source port for years. It’s funny how you happen to be making a great launcher for my favorite source port. :wink: Joequake may not be as known as some other source ports yet, but I feel that it is the best. With continued work, I think Joequake will become more of a dominant source port. Those screenshots of your launcher are looking great!

Will all the most widely used commands be in the launcher? Some are always annoying to remember. The first one that comes to mind is the -44khz command, which makes the sound more clear in my opinion. Will the launcher have a tab for commands such as this?

Author:  Baker [ Sat Aug 13, 2005 2:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, Lightning ...

What I am trying to do is make anything reasonable that someone would want to do easy. Like so easy that someone who is nearly computer illiterate could still use it.

> Will all the most widely used commands be in the launcher?

Probably. I will need feedback. I want this to accomodate most reasonable needs.

I am trying to plan things VERY carefully. Quake gets used in a variety of different ways. I am taking into consideration a lot of different angles and trying to make sure I get it close to "right."

> Joequake may not be as known as some other source ports yet, but I feel
> that it is the best.

:D I have several reasons I believe this to be true.

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