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 Post subject: JoeQuake & Qrack players, introduce yourselves
PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:36 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2003 7:44 pm
Posts: 198
When Rune Central became home of the official JoeQuake forum, I hoped that it would attract new visitors to the site. Indeed, several posters on this forum are alien to me. On one thread alone, we have sputnikutah, trinca, RocketGuy, and Aquashark.

How long have you guys been playing Quake? Where and what type of mod do you play. And how popular are the servers you frequent?

I play almost exclusively at Shmack ( and occasionally at SINGED (, both Rune Quake servers. Shmack is frequently active, on occasion hosting 15 (one spot is reserved) players at once, while SINGED seems to get busy at certain times, with more of a regular following.

As for myself. A few weeks after the Quake demo was released back in 1996, I was introduced to the game by some coworker friends in a computer lab at work. With network play, a 3D environment, and a kill or be killed scenario, I was hooked. Even as my friends became bored and moved on to other games, I continued to play ClanRing and then Rune Quake at home. For a game that's almost 10 years old, I'm both surprised and delighted that this game is popular as it is.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:44 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 15, 2003 7:39 pm
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Location: Kansas City!
I started playing quake in 1997, at a little server called BigQed's
it only had the start map and a custom dm mod.. with homing missles, pipe bombs etc.. was fun but after several weeks I bought TombRaider III and spend 3 months playing that (the boobs did me in!) then after a while i was cleaning my HD and notice I had quake installed.. Oh yeah! then I went to gameaholic and looked up some servers. At that time CTF servers were hot, so i tried it out... then i was hooked! (no pun intended) but after that i played quake ctf for 6 years (mostly 4 hours a day). I later learned quakeC and created my own versions of mods that i played. CTF, ca, Ra, and qball. I even made a small mod called "KOMB", basically was a RA style mod where 2 players fought on a small platform that hovered above a hughe lavapit. Only rocket luancher was available AND there was no damage from rocket missile hits. Instead you used the blast radius to push you opponent off the platform into the lava! Was a blast (er again no pun intended), but the RJ airstrafing was truely quake1 unique!! I currently run all the servers at
port 26000 is Capture the Scrag
port 26666 is Crctf 3.0
port 27000 is Crmod

if Shmack wasnt so popular i'd fire up a RuneQuake port too...

I have just begun working engine side with the joequake modified version of Qrack.. and hopefully its usefull to all mods and all future online quakers!

Last edited by sputnikutah on Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:45 pm 
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Joined: Thu Dec 23, 2004 11:03 pm
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I actually play a decendent of JoeQuake...Tremor. Matter of fact, I'm guilty of it's existence. :lol:

I was involved in the Quake community from before Q1 was released. In the early days of Q1, I ran QED - Quake Editing Depot website devoted to level editing and tools. From that, I ended up doing a lot of work on the original documentation for Quark...originally known as quakemap. Played some early QW, but never cared for it as much as the original.

In terms of engine work, I dabbled with the source code off and on for several years, but didn't do anything serious until about a year ago. Initially, Tremor was based off a very early version of DarkPlaces. When I went to version 3.0.0, I switched to a JoeQuake code base, and am now up to 3.2.4.

Jozsef still deserves 95% of the credit for what I've done, as I've merely tweaked what he provided as of 1.13.

Justin Thyme

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 5:39 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2003 7:44 pm
Posts: 198
sputnikutah wrote:
I currently run all the servers at

Interesting. Several years ago, I was one of the admins of an Intertex Quake server, I believe named Atlantis. That's when I was in a clan called "Little Fluffy Clouds", I kid you not. Do Stacey and Lance still work there?

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 Post subject: Re: JoeQuake & Qrack players, introduce yourselves
PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 4:20 am 

Joined: Sat Sep 10, 2005 2:26 pm
Posts: 28
Location: across CINEMAS this SUMMER!
toyo_mr2 wrote:
When Rune Central became home of the official JoeQuake forum, I hoped that it would attract new visitors to the site. Indeed, several posters on this forum are alien to me. On one thread alone, we have sputnikutah, trinca, RocketGuy, and Aquashark.
i'm just a concerned n00b of all things Quake (be it 1,2,3 or the upcoming 4) related. all i've done for the community besides (spamming with questions and shout-outs :D) is a little QuakeWorld trick movie

(working on it..)

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 5:39 am 
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Location: Kansas City!
toyo_mr2 wrote:
sputnikutah wrote:
I currently run all the servers at

Interesting. Several years ago, I was one of the admins of an Intertex Quake server, I believe named Atlantis. That's when I was in a clan called "Little Fluffy Clouds", I kid you not. Do Stacey and Lance still work there?

Stacey does but im not sure about lance...

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 Post subject: Re: JoeQuake & Qrack players, introduce yourselves
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:22 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2005 11:27 pm
Posts: 214
toyo_mr2 wrote:

I play almost exclusively at Shmack ( and occasionally at SINGED (, both Rune Quake servers. Shmack is frequently active, on occasion hosting 15 (one spot is reserved) players at once, while SINGED seems to get busy at certain times, with more of a regular following.

As for myself. A few weeks after the Quake demo was released back in 1996, I was introduced to the game by some coworker friends in a computer lab at work. With network play, a 3D environment, and a kill or be killed scenario, I was hooked. Even as my friends became bored and moved on to other games, I continued to play ClanRing and then Rune Quake at home. For a game that's almost 10 years old, I'm both surprised and delighted that this game is popular as it is.

It is a great game. It's more fun than Quake II. Or Quake III even. Those 2 games are just missing something although there are some improvements I like. Haven't played Doom 3 yet. It seems like ID software went to crap after they booted Romero.

I play Tribes a bit but everyone on there cheats now and only play the same 4-5 goddamn levels over and over. Anytime a cheat-free Tribes server goes up it hardly gets any play and then disappears because it seems that modern gamers can't play without cheating. One veteran said Tribes had degenerated into a 'Dishonorable Whore Match.' so I mostly play Quake anymore.

I haven't tried Singed yet. I didn't realize the server you kick my ass on frequently was called Shmack.

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 Post subject: Re: JoeQuake & Qrack players, introduce yourselves
PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:09 am 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
Posts: 1612
Location: Ohio
Fuzznut wrote:
It is a great game. It's more fun than Quake II. Or Quake III even. Those 2 games are just missing something although there are some improvements I like. Haven't played Doom 3 yet. It seems like ID software went to crap after they booted Romero.

Quake has atmosphere and has a theme. There are no robots or cyborgs in Quake, it's all creatures. No explanations, it is never explained where you are. Many questions, no answers.

All the new games are neon with cyborg like enemies and special effects, realism and emphasis on weapons. In many ways, it is difficult to distinguish one newer game for another.

They put a great deal of planning into Quake. Working with all aspects of development are fairly easy and the game play is solid, consistent and involves thinking.

Makes the game play interesting and fortunately due to all the tools and the Quake source, the game keeps evolving.

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