2. No +mlook/-mlook commands. Mouse is always on.
the new cvar is m_look [0/1] default is 1, and its saved to config.cfg.
3. No +speed / -speed commands. This is nice, but cl_forwardspeed and cl_clsidespeed and cl_upseed aren't defaulted to 999 so you must manually type those into the console:
There is +speed/-speed. But has changed.
If cl_forwardspeed =< 240 (default walk speed) then pressing +speed will run faster. But if you have ALWAYS RUN ON, your cl_forwardspeed > 200 thus +speed will slow u down, since you cant run any faster... +speed aka togglespeed

4. -conwidth and -conheight parameters don't work. In 640 x 480 mode, no big deal. In 1024 x 768, the console letters are microscopic and the hud characters are smaller. I like to use conwidth-512 -conheight 384 with 1024x768 resolution.
5. With some of the old JoeQuake Pro releases, under some circumstances I could cause it to crash if I played multiplayer and then did Single Player, New Game. I wasn't able to cause this to happen in 1.52 but I will keep my eye out.
Ditto. I have noticed that cl_truelightning caused some probs in singleplayer...
6. I noticed a default hunk allocation of 32 MB ---> good idea. (I would hate to have JoeQuake do this, there are old computers with Win 98 and stuff and JQ will run on them).
The 32meg Hunk is a Maximum. You really wont need more mem for the hunk. Basically used for mod data and server aliases etc...
Qrack uses a dynamic memory scheme much like virtual memory in windows. It will use as much physical memory as it can to keep it running efficient, but after 32megs it caches to the HD in a temp file. Ie, all that texture mem wont use all your physical memory, current map memory will be in ram the leftover is in the cache file.
8. I noticed on initial launch an error message buried in the startup log about couldn't load coronasa8 image (a typo in the source?)
odd, it looks for 10 corona files... and assigns them if available. and randomizes the images for each lightsource.
Tid bits here and there, I suck at documenting

And have to look for my comments in the source to remember what all I changed.
Last thing i changed was adding celshading, looks like cartoon quake.
also I lowered the score output. I noticed on some mods,(runequake, and clanarena) holding tab to see who is on the team or scores overlaps the menu and just displays a garbled mess. Now the mod menu is on the top part of the screen and the scores start at the center.
Also fixed the teamscores in status bar. Maybe I should add it to the scr_printstats.. so its displayed larger.