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 Post subject: Fake-Out Rune & The Pack
PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 4:57 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 5:43 pm
Posts: 239
Location: North Carolina
Fake-Out Rune - Activate this rune near something to create a fake-out. What's a fake out, well here's a list:
-If you activate it when someone is shooting rockets or grenades at you a death message will appear saying you were killed. You also silently turn into eyes for a few seconds to further throw off the attacker. Sometimes gibs are thrown.
-Same goes for a large number of other things, zombies, Shamblers, etc. etc.
-If you activate it near a teleporter the particles will appear and you turn into eyes for a few seconds to give the illusion you went through.
-If you activate in water, slime or lava it gives a death message that you drowned, gulped slime, etc.
-Lots of other things too, which is taking awhile to code, such as activating near ice traps and it tells the owner of the ice trap you were frozen, you seem to explode in death traps, etc. etc.
-The overall is to trick people into think something happened

The Pack - I came up with this idea after asking Fire why he would disconnect after being trapped and his answer was that he had recently gotten someone's pack and he wanted it to be basically erased. So by disconnecting, he achieved this. Well, that got my gears turning and I thought "Hey, what about a rune that's really a persistent pack?" So I figured out how to turn a rune into a pack that you can drop. The trick? Well the pack never goes away once you've died or dropped the rune. It continues on so other players can pick it up. The rune is also named after the original creator, so if Bob drops it and Larry picks it up, it's called "Bob's Backpack" for Larry. The other cool thing about it? Well, either it'll never lose ammo/weapons or (most likely) I'll code it to use not lose as much ammo (ie you fire a rocket twice before it takes one rocket away).

Both of these runes have been taking me awhile to code, which is why I've been silent. I'm planning on finishing these runes along with the others I've mentioned and have a release with all the new runes I've mentioned. Where they go from there is anyone's guess, but they will need testing and there WILL be bugs (which can be the fun part sometimes).

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 Post subject: Re: Fake-Out Rune & The Pack
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:56 am 
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Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2005 7:31 pm
Posts: 139
"...where they go from there is anyone's guess, ..."

I'm happy to put them on the NYC server if that helps? You just need to get them to me either in a form that will compile easily for a newb like me or (if it's just for testing purposes) a precompiled progs.dat.

Kind regards


WWW: | | EuroQuake, You Tube: QuakeVoid

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