..then everyone will be banned and that's no good either.. haha *facepalm
Reading through these pages was quite interesting and well I do have a solution -actually 3- and I'm curious what others will say about it

But first, I gotta say I was just thinking about this [topic] and I actually wanted to come on the forums here and request a damage-reduction on damage dealt. Well pertaining to this topic, I think both sides are right. Rambo wants to play unhinged and the other Rune-Quakers actually play for fun - and with joystick and keyboards etc.. Rambo is being modest but I think he's quite [very] good and especially good for this server. The others I have casually spoken to or told me stuff, is that they play for fun and will most probably will not improve (perhaps even degrade with age - sorry, don't mean to be rude) or even don't want to improve, because again, they are playing for fun - and I totally understand that.
I actually feel guilty when fragging EZJack, idk why - and Rambo would probably won't agree with me but I will offer an interesting introspection, I think. The reason I wanted a damage reduction is because I felt sorry for fragging EZJack. I think I did mention this to him in the past and we did talk about it and ultimately he was okay with it, but I did definitely sense the grumpiness and continuous build-up of irritation within him over time and over the course of several games as we are playing and umm.. like he isn't going anywhere game wise, ya know, a stagnant score
So I did wanted a damage-reduction and wanted to come here and request one. Like I wanted a 2/3rds one. Because it's like this. I spot EZJ and then one shot and -boom- he's gone. I can see him confused or turning around, but doesn't have the time to react or know what's going on. With a damage reduction, we can have a good and longer fight over the span of 3-4 rockets exchanged. It would be great to type in console, 'handicap 67%' - for example and rox damage and LG to be reduced by that specified amount. Maybe this idea would please most players

That was 1 solution. The 2nd would be the handicap to work against the group of RuneQuakers Rambo is referring to but not between like me vs. Rambo - that to be dealt regular damage. I know this can be somewhat a hard solution to actually program but with some sitting down and thinking, it might all work

Another viable solution is to give other lesser-skilled the friendly/sportsmanlike-advantage and let them have a few shots at you before you engage back at them. I did employ this solution on EZJ and he didn't seem to like that either lol but oww well I tried hehe. Lastly would be, yes a different server where for example Killa, Rambo, me and Frenzy can just go to play at.
I know Rambo would probably say that we are caving in to them, coddling or catering to them etc.. but what other solution(s) can there be if the majority of the server does indeed consists of mostly non-elite players that just want to play for fun and will [most likely] not improve (as the elite expects of them). So the [perhaps selective] handicap solution could be a good one indeed for here, one that is self-activated (activate it yourself) or one that is voted on by the majority of the players wanting it upon the player that they want it upon, ex. 'handicap PlayerX' by 70%. I wouldn't mind such a thing and having much longer fights with EZJ and the others. I'm sorry I have used him as an example here but I think we are on good terms and it might be an okay thing to do

and my ideas

to help others as well

Lastly, I'm looking forward to getting into [better] playing shape myself with speed and aim on-point

so then maybe I will be a [better] match for Rambo haha jk
I actually like to play for fun but also enjoy being competitive too - I support both ideals

And after I play lots of Quake, I sleep very good in fact - so that's a very good thing I think. Any others get this?? haha
Sorry if I talked too much maybe haha
But maybe you(s) enjoyed reading. I enjoy both reading and writing

I think I said everything I wanted to and didn't forget anything ..haha

Lastly I leave you with one of my favorite pictures about Quake (remember this? hehe)

and maybe I offered some good ideas here so we can all get along. Happy Quakin'

The gemstone of gaming is Quake, so load it up and play some