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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 10:32 am 
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So what is the smart thing to do? How should I handle this situation? Ban the players who complain about you? Tell me how you think this should be handled. How we can make this world a better place.

Slot Zero

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 10:39 am 

Joined: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:52 am
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Slot Zero wrote:
So what is the smart thing to do? How should I handle this situation? Ban the players who complain about you? Tell me how you think this should be handled. How we can make this world a better place.

Never said that all…

I said if you’re going to ban me ban then ban people that attack me also.

What should be done IMO is tell the people to stop talking shit, and in turn I won’t say shit about them either. Tell them to just play the game and enjoy the fact that there’s still playing a game from 1996.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 3:51 am 
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..then everyone will be banned and that's no good either.. haha *facepalm
Reading through these pages was quite interesting and well I do have a solution -actually 3- and I'm curious what others will say about it :wink:

But first, I gotta say I was just thinking about this [topic] and I actually wanted to come on the forums here and request a damage-reduction on damage dealt. Well pertaining to this topic, I think both sides are right. Rambo wants to play unhinged and the other Rune-Quakers actually play for fun - and with joystick and keyboards etc.. Rambo is being modest but I think he's quite [very] good and especially good for this server. The others I have casually spoken to or told me stuff, is that they play for fun and will most probably will not improve (perhaps even degrade with age - sorry, don't mean to be rude) or even don't want to improve, because again, they are playing for fun - and I totally understand that.

I actually feel guilty when fragging EZJack, idk why - and Rambo would probably won't agree with me but I will offer an interesting introspection, I think. The reason I wanted a damage reduction is because I felt sorry for fragging EZJack. I think I did mention this to him in the past and we did talk about it and ultimately he was okay with it, but I did definitely sense the grumpiness and continuous build-up of irritation within him over time and over the course of several games as we are playing and umm.. like he isn't going anywhere game wise, ya know, a stagnant score

So I did wanted a damage-reduction and wanted to come here and request one. Like I wanted a 2/3rds one. Because it's like this. I spot EZJ and then one shot and -boom- he's gone. I can see him confused or turning around, but doesn't have the time to react or know what's going on. With a damage reduction, we can have a good and longer fight over the span of 3-4 rockets exchanged. It would be great to type in console, 'handicap 67%' - for example and rox damage and LG to be reduced by that specified amount. Maybe this idea would please most players :)

That was 1 solution. The 2nd would be the handicap to work against the group of RuneQuakers Rambo is referring to but not between like me vs. Rambo - that to be dealt regular damage. I know this can be somewhat a hard solution to actually program but with some sitting down and thinking, it might all work :D Another viable solution is to give other lesser-skilled the friendly/sportsmanlike-advantage and let them have a few shots at you before you engage back at them. I did employ this solution on EZJ and he didn't seem to like that either lol but oww well I tried hehe. Lastly would be, yes a different server where for example Killa, Rambo, me and Frenzy can just go to play at.

I know Rambo would probably say that we are caving in to them, coddling or catering to them etc.. but what other solution(s) can there be if the majority of the server does indeed consists of mostly non-elite players that just want to play for fun and will [most likely] not improve (as the elite expects of them). So the [perhaps selective] handicap solution could be a good one indeed for here, one that is self-activated (activate it yourself) or one that is voted on by the majority of the players wanting it upon the player that they want it upon, ex. 'handicap PlayerX' by 70%. I wouldn't mind such a thing and having much longer fights with EZJ and the others. I'm sorry I have used him as an example here but I think we are on good terms and it might be an okay thing to do :o and my ideas :idea: to help others as well :P

Lastly, I'm looking forward to getting into [better] playing shape myself with speed and aim on-point :mrgreen: so then maybe I will be a [better] match for Rambo haha jk
I actually like to play for fun but also enjoy being competitive too - I support both ideals :up:
And after I play lots of Quake, I sleep very good in fact - so that's a very good thing I think. Any others get this?? haha

Sorry if I talked too much maybe haha
But maybe you(s) enjoyed reading. I enjoy both reading and writing :)
I think I said everything I wanted to and didn't forget anything ..haha :lol:

Lastly I leave you with one of my favorite pictures about Quake (remember this? hehe) :mrgreen: and maybe I offered some good ideas here so we can all get along. Happy Quakin' :mrgreen:

QuakeGood4U.png [ 951.36 KiB | Viewed 123430 times ]

The gemstone of gaming is Quake, so load it up and play some :P
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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 1:28 am 
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Rambo[RuM] wrote:
Zop wrote:
They want a handicap to get a chance to win. There really isn't another objective handicap available (unlike stuff Slot is saying), so that's probably why they say to ping up specifically. Maybe slot could add personal handicap settings like not allowing hook or good runes, or limited ammo, or 10% more damage dealt to you, etc.

Do you hear yourselves? They want / need a handicap? Come on…

We are really going to change things to satisfy a few people. I get beat on a daily basis by other players some who also come to shmack and dominate and not a word gets said to them.

Jesus a handicap? That ruins the game. If you can’t play normal and competing upsets you, don’t play. We shouldn’t have to make all these rules and concessions to satisfy a few sub par players.

I didn't think it was a bad thing to suggest. But I see now you're saying all that because you consider this a competition, and technically it is if it's deathmatch 1 and coop 0. In a chess tournament, if your opponent is 500 ELO higher than you, you play anyway and take the L, and try to learn from it. But if the goal is instead to have an fair match, then in chess, the higher ELO person takes a queen off the board or whatever. In CAx or CTF, we want the teams to be evenly skilled, right? So neither approach is "correct," but rather depending on the goal.

So we have two groups with different philosophies for playing, and now it seems we need an arbiter for which way of playing is "correct." I know I am not on the server any more (though I do want to check this out on my day off to see what's going on), but Rune Quake has historically been viewed as the more casual-oriented mod, particularly when compared to crmod, cax, rocket arena, etc. The randomness of the runes pretty much dictates this. However, we can't really force all the people to play together a certain way, because some will leave for something else if they're not having fun.

Can anyone compromise and still have fun? Won't you, Rambo, still have fun trying for that win when the enemies do more damage to you and sometimes you don't get it? It's already established you'd win otherwise. Can't ezJack have fun trying to beat a boss fight? They can spectate better players to see what the difference is. Or set yourself goals to beat... 50% of the frags as the better person at round end... 75% of the frags at end... etc. If you're really the last people on, then maybe you'll have to play each others' ways sometimes just to get games in.

a random mod server:

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 7:31 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:52 am
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Zop wrote:
Rambo[RuM] wrote:
Zop wrote:
They want a handicap to get a chance to win. There really isn't another objective handicap available (unlike stuff Slot is saying), so that's probably why they say to ping up specifically. Maybe slot could add personal handicap settings like not allowing hook or good runes, or limited ammo, or 10% more damage dealt to you, etc.

Do you hear yourselves? They want / need a handicap? Come on…

We are really going to change things to satisfy a few people. I get beat on a daily basis by other players some who also come to shmack and dominate and not a word gets said to them.

Jesus a handicap? That ruins the game. If you can’t play normal and competing upsets you, don’t play. We shouldn’t have to make all these rules and concessions to satisfy a few sub par players.

I didn't think it was a bad thing to suggest. But I see now you're saying all that because you consider this a competition, and technically it is if it's deathmatch 1 and coop 0. In a chess tournament, if your opponent is 500 ELO higher than you, you play anyway and take the L, and try to learn from it. But if the goal is instead to have an fair match, then in chess, the higher ELO person takes a queen off the board or whatever. In CAx or CTF, we want the teams to be evenly skilled, right? So neither approach is "correct," but rather depending on the goal.

So we have two groups with different philosophies for playing, and now it seems we need an arbiter for which way of playing is "correct." I know I am not on the server any more (though I do want to check this out on my day off to see what's going on), but Rune Quake has historically been viewed as the more casual-oriented mod, particularly when compared to crmod, cax, rocket arena, etc. The randomness of the runes pretty much dictates this. However, we can't really force all the people to play together a certain way, because some will leave for something else if they're not having fun.

Can anyone compromise and still have fun? Won't you, Rambo, still have fun trying for that win when the enemies do more damage to you and sometimes you don't get it? It's already established you'd win otherwise. Can't ezJack have fun trying to beat a boss fight? They can spectate better players to see what the difference is. Or set yourself goals to beat... 50% of the frags as the better person at round end... 75% of the frags at end... etc. If you're really the last people on, then maybe you'll have to play each others' ways sometimes just to get games in.

This has been a dead issue for well over 2 months now at this point. I stopped playing because I got sick of people bitching. Their insistent whining has turned me off from playing. Hope everyone is happy.

But seriously grown adults acting like children…grow the fuck up. “Oh I can’t win, boo hoo .. let me rage quit or whine.” How do you play a game for 24+ years and suck still. I don’t even try on shmack. Not even 10% effort. Life doesn’t make concessions because it’s hard. What kind of candy coated protected life do you guys live?

Go play fucking solitaire or something. Quake is a game of competition not coffee social hangout hour. You don’t want competition, download a nice solitaire app call it a day.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:42 pm 
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Excuse me, but I got real upset by the latest reply even tho it's not directed solely at me. I'm like shaking and hands sweating, maybe I'm sensitive but like, why can't you be nice? I understand flashes of anger and outbursts on the actual server while playing but this profanity, cursing and disrespect should not be here tho. (After lots of time to cool down before posting). I suggested plenty of solutions and actually wanted to say one more, that people can play as teams vs others too.

At this point after almost 30 years, this is a nostalgic game played by older folk nowadays who maybe want to chill. (Funnily enough, I'm slowly getting into that category too lol). Telling ppl to go play something else is very rude when you are the one that is here among them. If you want Quake competitons, why not you go play at Quake Live - you will get shredded there and you will possibly feel how others feel here. (It is challenging for me too). And if others would go play Solitaire, you would be the only one left at this server lol

So finally, you are welcome to play and we could use a +1 player (as you) but perhaps just recognizing that today is not Tournament Finals of Quake '96 and sitting 1 game after 3, seems to be the best present solution. Actually I must confess that I didn't sit out after like playing for 2 hours straight, I remember, but that's because I'm kinda forgetful but if anyone would say so, I would do so pronto! lol

Finally, I did try to make us all get along but I think it is enough forum typing for me lol. I will only post if I would be extremely irked (such as now lol) or for other positive reasons. I think it is possible to get along if hostile attitude(s) is dropped and reality is realized (see paragraph above).

Happy Holidays all :)

The gemstone of gaming is Quake, so load it up and play some :P

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:42 pm 
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I did want to sneak in one more thing that perhaps is in your favor, Rambo, that came to my mind. Is that has it ever occurred to you that this may not be such a big deal after all? Have you heard of the saying, 'what happens on the server, stays on the server?' I had no clue about this until you came on the forums with this. You took it from out of the servers and onto here. None of the people that perhaps complained about you on the server made an official post about you on the forums. So honestly, I don't think it's that serious lol. I remember with Scoofer there was tons of temporary trash talk and in the moment kind-of-stuff while playing, but nobody really dared to take it all on the forums because it is all just hay-for-the-fire maybe (my saying haha). All unnecessary drama which isn't necessary lol. So just chillax and just play eh? :mrgreen:

The gemstone of gaming is Quake, so load it up and play some :P

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 6:41 pm 

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Gem wrote:
Excuse me, but I got real upset by the latest reply even tho it's not directed solely at me. I'm like shaking and hands sweating, maybe I'm sensitive but like, why can't you be nice? I understand flashes of anger and outbursts on the actual server while playing but this profanity, cursing and disrespect should not be here tho. (After lots of time to cool down before posting). I suggested plenty of solutions and actually wanted to say one more, that people can play as teams vs others too.

At this point after almost 30 years, this is a nostalgic game played by older folk nowadays who maybe want to chill. (Funnily enough, I'm slowly getting into that category too lol). Telling ppl to go play something else is very rude when you are the one that is here among them. If you want Quake competitons, why not you go play at Quake Live - you will get shredded there and you will possibly feel how others feel here. (It is challenging for me too). And if others would go play Solitaire, you would be the only one left at this server lol

So finally, you are welcome to play and we could use a +1 player (as you) but perhaps just recognizing that today is not Tournament Finals of Quake '96 and sitting 1 game after 3, seems to be the best present solution. Actually I must confess that I didn't sit out after like playing for 2 hours straight, I remember, but that's because I'm kinda forgetful but if anyone would say so, I would do so pronto! lol

Finally, I did try to make us all get along but I think it is enough forum typing for me lol. I will only post if I would be extremely irked (such as now lol) or for other positive reasons. I think it is possible to get along if hostile attitude(s) is dropped and reality is realized (see paragraph above).

Happy Holidays all :)



I can’t stop laughing. If you got upset at my last post then you are who it was directed at.

I tried telling you idiots on the server, no one listened so I decided to make it a public matter. I don’t play like it’s tournament 96. I play how I play. I’m not even that good. So what I can beat a few people doesn’t mean I have to sit or suggested I sit to make everyone happy.

Cornflakes like you I can’t deal with someone not doing exactly as you wanted.

Keep your hands shaking and sweating. What are you going to do? Huff and puff?

And they didn’t post a reply cause they couldn’t. Half them can’t even figure out how to log into their accounts here or don’t have one. If you bothered to read my first message it was mostly directed at server admin hoping he would step in and stomp out some of this insanity.

Think about it… you’re asking a person to sit and not play a game that’s already struggling to have an active player! You cannot cater to 3-4 Shmack regulars, do whatever to make the 3-4 core shmack players happy. Like I said I’m not good but because you lose that isn’t reason enough to ask someone not to play or sit a game or two. Literally you do not have to try at all on shmack to get frags. Between all the spamming and trying to hook you, if they spent more time actually aiming and playing the game then they might fair better.

But quake in 96, 2006, 2016, and now has always been competing. It’s not a hang out session and a private members only club. This is a public server. Just because the core 3-4 players can’t stand losing this is why this discussion is here. It’s absolutely absurd.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 12:07 am 
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First of all you are unnecessarily rude, to me and others. Why are you insulting me and others all over the place? That was one of my main points - and I was also nice to you and in your favor and you stomped on me too. Very unnecessary drama here, all I did was try to make you get along with others but I just wanted to make this reply to correct you on some things you're wrong on. (I don't enjoy flaming and drama posts - but do you? It seems kinda like it).

1) I will start with what you are right on. You are right about their playstyles, but then so you have yours too. Everyone plays as they like or suits them. Who are you to dictate?
2) You are wrong about them not having accounts, most do, I know EZJack has. Maybe he didn't want to answer you, for ex.
3) The 3-4 or maybe slightly more, do deserve their break. They constitute the majority. They are also paying players. I will want to pay too, it is only fair
4) You haven't been here long enough, why would you think the admin, Slot Zero, do what? How would he 'stomp' the insanity? These players been playing here this way for years. Will they change because Rambo just came on a couple of months and tells them to? To me that's what sounds absurd
5) Nobody asked to alter the way you play, but if the majority would ask you to sit out, so they can have a chance, why wouldn't you grant them that?
6) Lastly, it has actually turned into Quake Coffee Social Hour - because of all the reasons I said before - older folk enjoying themselves. If it's too easy for you, why not try another tougher game? (Quake Live)
7) Everyone in this thread explained stuff to you but it seems you still don't get it. I understand your pov but do you understand the others'?

I am still maintaining my netiquette, and I don't think I been rude to you or others - so why not you try a little to get along here. Thanks for reading

The gemstone of gaming is Quake, so load it up and play some :P

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:38 am 

Joined: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:52 am
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I’m sorry I offended the marshmallows.

I understand everyone very well. They don’t like losing and as a majority want me to sit so they don’t lose. That’s ridiculous.

A couple months? I’ve been playing quake since 96 and on shmack since 2006. Check my join date before you decide to state what you think is fact.

I’m not dictating how anyone plays, merely stating fact. I’m not telling anyone how to play only ask that I be allowed to play in peace. I don’t attack anyone unless I’m attacked. You may think you’re free from that but your tone came off wrong.

I play quake 1 because that is only game I enjoy. I never played another game. I’m not a gamer. So no I’m not going to play quake live. See your doing the same thing, suggesting I do anything but play at shmack for the enjoyment of the 3-4 core players. I’m on enjoying myself too, idk why you guys all think I’m super competitive and I come on to smack the shit out of them. No I come on to play. That’s it. I didn’t have 1 problem until EzJack and crew started issues with me. All the things you’re saying they want and deserve why wouldn’t that apply to me also?

Like I said I been playing there just as long if not longer then some of these people. It’s not my fault I’m slightly better. Like I said I get owned when I play others. I’m not even that good of a player and never claimed to be. You act like I only played at shmack. No I played shmack during the day when I had time until the other people were available.

The constant theme here is I don’t understand anyone’s point of view. I completely get it, but honestly life doesn’t work like that and quake don’t. Things don’t just bend to your will cause it’s the nice thing to do or whatever.

Really this whole thing is because I win a few games in a row and they get frustrated and don’t want me to play. And because I continued to play it upset said you understood me, you don’t find it crazy in a game that barely had players, to ask an additional player to sit just so 3 players can have fun because if I don’t they get moody because they don’t like losing. That is crazily absurd. “Go away so x-y-z can have fun.” So absolutely ridiculous.

But you know what you’re right. I’ve invested too much energy in this. You win. Have a good life.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 6:47 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:04 pm
Posts: 4
Rambo[RuM] wrote:
I’m sorry I offended the marshmallows.

I understand everyone very well. They don’t like losing and as a majority want me to sit so they don’t lose. That’s ridiculous.

A couple months? I’ve been playing quake since 96 and on shmack since 2006. Check my join date before you decide to state what you think is fact.

I’m not dictating how anyone plays, merely stating fact. I’m not telling anyone how to play only ask that I be allowed to play in peace. I don’t attack anyone unless I’m attacked. You may think you’re free from that but your tone came off wrong.

I play quake 1 because that is only game I enjoy. I never played another game. I’m not a gamer. So no I’m not going to play quake live. See your doing the same thing, suggesting I do anything but play at shmack for the enjoyment of the 3-4 core players. I’m on enjoying myself too, idk why you guys all think I’m super competitive and I come on to smack the shit out of them. No I come on to play. That’s it. I didn’t have 1 problem until EzJack and crew started issues with me. All the things you’re saying they want and deserve why wouldn’t that apply to me also?

Like I said I been playing there just as long if not longer then some of these people. It’s not my fault I’m slightly better. Like I said I get owned when I play others. I’m not even that good of a player and never claimed to be. You act like I only played at shmack. No I played shmack during the day when I had time until the other people were available.

The constant theme here is I don’t understand anyone’s point of view. I completely get it, but honestly life doesn’t work like that and quake don’t. Things don’t just bend to your will cause it’s the nice thing to do or whatever.

Really this whole thing is because I win a few games in a row and they get frustrated and don’t want me to play. And because I continued to play it upset said you understood me, you don’t find it crazy in a game that barely had players, to ask an additional player to sit just so 3 players can have fun because if I don’t they get moody because they don’t like losing. That is crazily absurd. “Go away so x-y-z can have fun.” So absolutely ridiculous.

But you know what you’re right. I’ve invested too much energy in this. You win. Have a good life.

I remember when I treated people badly online too decades ago... lmao.

We're all here to have fun. I like Slot's approach to administration and the other ideas presented by community members.

I think you, Rambo, have been given some great ideas, but you refuse to humble yourself. That said, people will continue to not treat you nicely, and you probably added fuel to the fire if you ever come back on. Not that I want a flame war, but they are spicy, I think being polite to a diminishing community would have been a step forward but you came on here throwing fists and acting like the very thing you projected onto the members.

Not a good look. I'm not daft and I bet you could give 2 shits it's not a good look. All good. Adios and adieu bro.

Good luck, I mean it. I hope I see you win some serious cash in tournaments, but hoping you do it with a better attitude than on this thread.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 6:50 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:52 am
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gunm4n wrote:
Rambo[RuM] wrote:
I’m sorry I offended the marshmallows.

I understand everyone very well. They don’t like losing and as a majority want me to sit so they don’t lose. That’s ridiculous.

A couple months? I’ve been playing quake since 96 and on shmack since 2006. Check my join date before you decide to state what you think is fact.

I’m not dictating how anyone plays, merely stating fact. I’m not telling anyone how to play only ask that I be allowed to play in peace. I don’t attack anyone unless I’m attacked. You may think you’re free from that but your tone came off wrong.

I play quake 1 because that is only game I enjoy. I never played another game. I’m not a gamer. So no I’m not going to play quake live. See your doing the same thing, suggesting I do anything but play at shmack for the enjoyment of the 3-4 core players. I’m on enjoying myself too, idk why you guys all think I’m super competitive and I come on to smack the shit out of them. No I come on to play. That’s it. I didn’t have 1 problem until EzJack and crew started issues with me. All the things you’re saying they want and deserve why wouldn’t that apply to me also?

Like I said I been playing there just as long if not longer then some of these people. It’s not my fault I’m slightly better. Like I said I get owned when I play others. I’m not even that good of a player and never claimed to be. You act like I only played at shmack. No I played shmack during the day when I had time until the other people were available.

The constant theme here is I don’t understand anyone’s point of view. I completely get it, but honestly life doesn’t work like that and quake don’t. Things don’t just bend to your will cause it’s the nice thing to do or whatever.

Really this whole thing is because I win a few games in a row and they get frustrated and don’t want me to play. And because I continued to play it upset said you understood me, you don’t find it crazy in a game that barely had players, to ask an additional player to sit just so 3 players can have fun because if I don’t they get moody because they don’t like losing. That is crazily absurd. “Go away so x-y-z can have fun.” So absolutely ridiculous.

But you know what you’re right. I’ve invested too much energy in this. You win. Have a good life.

I remember when I treated people badly online too decades ago... lmao.

We're all here to have fun. I like Slot's approach to administration and the other ideas presented by community members.

I think you, Rambo, have been given some great ideas, but you refuse to humble yourself. That said, people will continue to not treat you nicely, and you probably added fuel to the fire if you ever come back on. Not that I want a flame war, but they are spicy, I think being polite to a diminishing community would have been a step forward but you came on here throwing fists and acting like the very thing you projected onto the members.

Not a good look. I'm not daft and I bet you could give 2 shits it's not a good look. All good. Adios and adieu bro.

Good luck, I mean it. I hope I see you win some serious cash in tournaments, but hoping you do it with a better attitude than on this thread.

Another no name speaking up. This shit was a done deal but you want to continue to stir the pot.

But to address one thing you said about being polite. Listen I was polite on the server. Then the onslaught of different name calling came my way followed by bitching because I was winning. I took about as much shit as I care to handle. Everything now is a direct result of the collective.

I used to come on and play during the day when no other quake 1 server was active. But it’s not worth it to deal with all this bullshit. But please do me a favor and let this thread end. Don’t keep adding points and arguments because I will go back and forth all day. Let this die, don’t continue to stir up shit or restart this thread after weeks.

Last edited by Rambo[RuM] on Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:57 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:04 pm
Posts: 4
Rambo[RuM] wrote:
gunm4n wrote:
Rambo[RuM] wrote:
I’m sorry I offended the marshmallows.

I understand everyone very well. They don’t like losing and as a majority want me to sit so they don’t lose. That’s ridiculous.

A couple months? I’ve been playing quake since 96 and on shmack since 2006. Check my join date before you decide to state what you think is fact.

I’m not dictating how anyone plays, merely stating fact. I’m not telling anyone how to play only ask that I be allowed to play in peace. I don’t attack anyone unless I’m attacked. You may think you’re free from that but your tone came off wrong.

I play quake 1 because that is only game I enjoy. I never played another game. I’m not a gamer. So no I’m not going to play quake live. See your doing the same thing, suggesting I do anything but play at shmack for the enjoyment of the 3-4 core players. I’m on enjoying myself too, idk why you guys all think I’m super competitive and I come on to smack the shit out of them. No I come on to play. That’s it. I didn’t have 1 problem until EzJack and crew started issues with me. All the things you’re saying they want and deserve why wouldn’t that apply to me also?

Like I said I been playing there just as long if not longer then some of these people. It’s not my fault I’m slightly better. Like I said I get owned when I play others. I’m not even that good of a player and never claimed to be. You act like I only played at shmack. No I played shmack during the day when I had time until the other people were available.

The constant theme here is I don’t understand anyone’s point of view. I completely get it, but honestly life doesn’t work like that and quake don’t. Things don’t just bend to your will cause it’s the nice thing to do or whatever.

Really this whole thing is because I win a few games in a row and they get frustrated and don’t want me to play. And because I continued to play it upset said you understood me, you don’t find it crazy in a game that barely had players, to ask an additional player to sit just so 3 players can have fun because if I don’t they get moody because they don’t like losing. That is crazily absurd. “Go away so x-y-z can have fun.” So absolutely ridiculous.

But you know what you’re right. I’ve invested too much energy in this. You win. Have a good life.

I remember when I treated people badly online too decades ago... lmao.

We're all here to have fun. I like Slot's approach to administration and the other ideas presented by community members.

I think you, Rambo, have been given some great ideas, but you refuse to humble yourself. That said, people will continue to not treat you nicely, and you probably added fuel to the fire if you ever come back on. Not that I want a flame war, but they are spicy, I think being polite to a diminishing community would have been a step forward but you came on here throwing fists and acting like the very thing you projected onto the members.

Not a good look. I'm not daft and I bet you could give 2 shits it's not a good look. All good. Adios and adieu bro.

Good luck, I mean it. I hope I see you win some serious cash in tournaments, but hoping you do it with a better attitude than on this thread.

Another no name speaking up. This shit was a done deal but you want to continue to stir the pot.

lol you're still here? I thought you said you quit.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I've been around as long as, if not longer than you.. sans the forum profile. I either had another account, deleted my posts, or some other time continuum kerfuffle.

Maybe I even got banned with another email some time ago for being a turd. Naw... Slot is way too graceful for that and it's WAY more entertaining to see people go down in flames on this forum..

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 8:01 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:52 am
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gunm4n wrote:

lol you're still here? I thought you said you quit.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I've been around as long as, if not longer than you.. sans the forum profile. I either had another account, deleted my posts, or some other time continuum kerfuffle.

Maybe I even got banned with another email some time ago for being a turd. Naw... Slot is way too graceful for that and it's WAY more entertaining to see people go down in flames on this forum..

Yet no one’s heard of you? Hmm. Again let it go. I didn’t say I quit the forum. I was trying to end this argument your so intent on continuing.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 8:51 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:04 pm
Posts: 4
Rambo[RuM] wrote:
gunm4n wrote:

lol you're still here? I thought you said you quit.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I've been around as long as, if not longer than you.. sans the forum profile. I either had another account, deleted my posts, or some other time continuum kerfuffle.

Maybe I even got banned with another email some time ago for being a turd. Naw... Slot is way too graceful for that and it's WAY more entertaining to see people go down in flames on this forum..

Yet no one’s heard of you? Hmm. Again let it go. I didn’t say I quit the forum. I was trying to end this argument your so intent on continuing.

So you're "everyone's" voice now? Gem already called you out for coming on to play for merely a couple months and complaining on the board, so maybe you're the outsider?

I admittedly don't post often, and do have an on-off-on-again kind of relationship with Quake itself, but I am one of the ones who comes on to "chill and play", and not on for a gold medal.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 9:01 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:52 am
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gunm4n wrote:
Rambo[RuM] wrote:
gunm4n wrote:

lol you're still here? I thought you said you quit.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I've been around as long as, if not longer than you.. sans the forum profile. I either had another account, deleted my posts, or some other time continuum kerfuffle.

Maybe I even got banned with another email some time ago for being a turd. Naw... Slot is way too graceful for that and it's WAY more entertaining to see people go down in flames on this forum..

Yet no one’s heard of you? Hmm. Again let it go. I didn’t say I quit the forum. I was trying to end this argument your so intent on continuing.

So you're "everyone's" voice now? Gem already called you out for coming on to play for merely a couple months and complaining on the board, so maybe you're the outsider?

I admittedly don't post often, and do have an on-off-on-again kind of relationship with Quake itself, but I am one of the ones who comes on to "chill and play", and not on for a gold medal.

Holy shit are you slow? I haven’t played in 2 months. Gem is apparently not too bright either. I haven’t merely come on for 2 months. I’ve been playing on shmack since 2005. I joined this forum in 2006. I am also not trying to win gold medals or play the Super Bowl or whatever other analogies you guys come up with. I’m just chilling and playing when I do play as well..

But because I win that’s against the rules. Even though that’s the sole purpose of the game to have a winner. I’m not on there giving 100% trying to win, it just happens. I am being very humble. I suck. I’m not good.

What I don’t understand is why other players who can beat me and beat others on the server get a pass. I get now there’s been words exchanged from both sides but before this was all on the forums, I was cordial and was met with this shit from the get go. My attitude as you label is a direct result of what I was shown from the start. I’m not going to take the high road when I’m getting names and insults thrown at me, I’m going to respond. Fire with fire. These people are older then me yet I’m the one that’s getting called out because I posted here and brought light to the situation that was happening on the servers.

Realistically the issue here is I’m not doing as I’m told by the junior server admins in training. That don’t sit well with them as I’m sure their used to people listening to what they say. It’s a fucking game, you lose get over it day goes on. Just as I loses you can’t win always and you can’t throw a tantrum when you don’t. I never once gloated when I won. I just played.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 12:02 am 
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Rambo[RuM] wrote:
I’m sorry I offended the marshmallows.

I understand everyone very well. They don’t like losing and as a majority want me to sit so they don’t lose. That’s ridiculous.

A couple months? I’ve been playing quake since 96 and on shmack since 2006. Check my join date before you decide to state what you think is fact.

I’m not dictating how anyone plays, merely stating fact. I’m not telling anyone how to play only ask that I be allowed to play in peace. I don’t attack anyone unless I’m attacked. You may think you’re free from that but your tone came off wrong.

I play quake 1 because that is only game I enjoy. I never played another game. I’m not a gamer. So no I’m not going to play quake live. See your doing the same thing, suggesting I do anything but play at shmack for the enjoyment of the 3-4 core players. I’m on enjoying myself too, idk why you guys all think I’m super competitive and I come on to smack the shit out of them. No I come on to play. That’s it. I didn’t have 1 problem until EzJack and crew started issues with me. All the things you’re saying they want and deserve why wouldn’t that apply to me also?

Like I said I been playing there just as long if not longer then some of these people. It’s not my fault I’m slightly better. Like I said I get owned when I play others. I’m not even that good of a player and never claimed to be. You act like I only played at shmack. No I played shmack during the day when I had time until the other people were available.

The constant theme here is I don’t understand anyone’s point of view. I completely get it, but honestly life doesn’t work like that and quake don’t. Things don’t just bend to your will cause it’s the nice thing to do or whatever.

Really this whole thing is because I win a few games in a row and they get frustrated and don’t want me to play. And because I continued to play it upset said you understood me, you don’t find it crazy in a game that barely had players, to ask an additional player to sit just so 3 players can have fun because if I don’t they get moody because they don’t like losing. That is crazily absurd. “Go away so x-y-z can have fun.” So absolutely ridiculous.

But you know what you’re right. I’ve invested too much energy in this. You win. Have a good life.

I said that you been starting to play more recently (I didn't just invent that), because I saw your thread over at QuakeOne which said:

12-05-2022, 05:51 PM
No way, thats awesome. I just downloaded quake again from clan hdz site lol. i dont remember any of the commands or what client i should be using on Win11. I got Qrack now for now.

Ill have to check out discord one of these days. I am not signed up for it. ... post283966

And then Mr Burns says,

12-07-2022, 12:05 AM
Hi Rambo
In case you can't get a CTF game, there are still a number of players who regularly play over on running the RuneQuake mod.

Hope this helps

So I thought this is how you ended up at Shmack. I just chanced over that thread before and I remembered it. Now, I'm not your net nanny to watch and see exactly what and where and when you play Quake lol but that's what prompted me to say that before. And then you said your 2 month 'problem' with the players, which all of it is quite recent..

When did I ever say you shouldn't play on Shmack?? I said, sit a game out maybe at others' request. I never said, don't play at all. Does sitting 1 game out mean not playing at all for you? lol.. But you know what, you should do anything you want. Play your butt off, or quit (I do prefer you play tho). And you will see what happens, how others will react to that etc.. I know sometimes some players play without even reading the in-game chats, so idk why you're so bothered by them so much lol and then you called me a sensitive cornflake here, but then why are you so sensitive to those chats in-game then? lol. I think we are both sensitive in different ways maybe haha

I think it's the opposite - that if few play then it's especially important to show them grace - because you wouldn't want to discourage them from playing. (And yea I know your previous point about Quake being competitive). And sure, the things for others, apply to you too. I never said they shouldn't

I still think this thread is unnecessary in the sense that no tangible action will come out from it. I think you lit your own boots on fire here lol, as to say, but umm.. I don't got a problem with it or with you. I think you are a great player but kinda rude and dramatic at times in my opinion, but umm... yea :) If you wanna unload your feelings about Quake here, you go on right ahead, it might be therapeutic for you. But others are free to reply as well, so you can't demand us to stop now or let this thread alone either lol. But nothing would hurt from a good discussion maybe

Lastly, I think Rambo, that people, things and times change so Quake isn't like you remember it to be (competitive), well at least not this niche part of it - Rune Quake

Having said all this, please stay on the forums and in Quake - we can always use extra players :mrgreen:

The gemstone of gaming is Quake, so load it up and play some :P

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 9:43 am 

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First off let’s set the record straight. The 2 month number mentioned is not the timeframe for which I had a problem. I haven’t played at shmack in 2+ months to date. The problem with EzJack and the gang started pretty much a year ago when I first came back to quake. I hadn’t played in over 4 years. I started playing daily and got “good” for Shmack again and that made them mad. They were mad someone who hadn’t played in so long beat them who have played daily non-stop. I didn’t go out of my way to win, it just happened. It’s been an issue since. As mentioned this was tried to be handle in-server with respect but that went no where.

I’m not sensitive to in game chats, just got sick of hearing repeated.. spammed almost different negative monikers of my name. See the difference between me and you and maybe the rest of the people here is I don’t ignore that shit and let people run wild. Sometimes you need to put people in check. The whole reason I started this thread in the first place was so that I could maybe play quake in peace. But after some time I realized that’s not going to happen. Because the people that act crazy are also the ones filling slot zeros pockets for the server so he’s gonna support whatever wildness they have going on.

This thread was dead also for 1.5 months until Zop re-ignited it. I’m not going to let you guys run wild with your thoughts.

Listen I don’t want to be “nice” and sit a game. No one can force me to, end of story there.

I’ve played quake on and off over the years, not just within the last year there detective gem.

You said you don’t want the drama yet you continue it? You guys are all the biggest hypocrites.. practice what you preach. Hold yourself accountable to your same set of standards you try to push on other people.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:20 pm 
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Yea now I remember the Rambot moniker, that one was pretty funny heh heh.. But I also got called Gembot and other stuff too, but I didn't fly in such a rage tho and so I still do think you are overly sensitive. Like who cares what people say about you? Just play and have fun. You can't stop other people from doing anything, mocking you etc.. your enjoyment of the game depends on you. If you put yourself in a cage mentally and then what others say bother you, then you won't enjoy Quake (or maybe other online games). I think you weren't here when Scoofer was on, because he'd probably make you ragequit as soon as you step in there lool

As for the drama continuing, I don't think it's a drama. I'm just having a convo with you dude. I'm like the only one answering to you, so I though you'd be kinda lonely here lol. If you notice, nobody seemed to take interest in your plight (there are barely any replies on this thread) and nothing seems will be done because nothing can be done. So just Quake on and Happy Holidays

P.S. Also I heard there is some Quake 1 action going on on Steam, so you might wanna check that out. I will too. But I got no idea if they gonna say mean stuff or not on there lol so watch out haha. If there's a way to turn off chat, will you do it? Maybe you won't get bothered then. (Just an idea here)

The gemstone of gaming is Quake, so load it up and play some :P

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:25 pm 

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Yeah that’s it, I’m lonely. Turn and twist it how you want. I really don’t give a flying fuck. I stopped playing there, it’s end of the line.

If you want to discuss offline further I’d be happy to do so. But as far as this thread just let it die. I’m not the one continuing it but I will not end it either, you keep going I’ll keep going. Just let it go. If I spoke another language I’d say it another language for you.

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