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 Post subject: JoeQuake Wave #2 Thoughts
PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 11:18 am 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
Posts: 1612
Location: Ohio
1) Longer MM1/MM2 messages like Toyo Suggested (Toyo's idea)
2) Fix the press 2 keys and crashes problem with cmdhist.dat
3) Make it so JoeQuake can record demos at any time like ProQuake
4) A "whereis" command that you type in the console (see thread in the developers forum)
5) capture_start | capture_stop tweaks
6) Make JoeQuake comes with a distribution config
7) Make it so JoeQuake can display a custom PNG as the Help Screen and a custom PNG as a secondary startup screen.
8) Manually typing capture_demo when the demo is not in the current path causes an error?
9) Integrate into JoeQuake and added a link to this forum on the JoeQuake homepage (Toyo's idea)

Future: Optional Windows installer that installs JoeQuake. There are free installers out there, although it would need to detect the correct path for Quake.Exe.

_________________ = RQ, 26001 = Rocket Arena, 26002 = Vote-Anything, Rockets/jet/7 runes, RQ on E1M7
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 11:41 am 
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Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2003 2:09 pm
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5. capture_start | capture_stop tweaks
7. Make it so JoeQuake can display a custom PNG as the Help Screen and a custom PNG as a secondary startup screen.
8. Manually typing capture_demo when the demo is not in the current path causes an error?

5. what do you mean exactly?
7. what is secondary startup screen? you mean replacing the JoeQuake logo?
8. Does it? It shouldn't. It works fine for me printing "Error: Couldn't open".

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 12:23 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
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Joe, let me confirm #5. I think I received that message before that Gohan reported but I may have not been doing everything right.

#7. I'm not talking about replacing the JoeQuake startup logo, of course not! I'm email you about this ... I'm sneaky (you'll see, I think you'll LIKE this concept quite a bit after I tell you about it in more detail, heheh :twisted: )

#8. I'll have to document this one better. I ran into an error when I tried to capture a demo in a relative path. I think I did something like "capturedemo id1\demos\testdemo.dem" and JoeQuake tried but inverted a slash. I document this one.


Extra idea #9 .... can't remember it at the moment, damn ... It'll come back. It was great

_________________ = RQ, 26001 = Rocket Arena, 26002 = Vote-Anything, Rockets/jet/7 runes, RQ on E1M7
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 3:38 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
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Location: Ohio
Ok ... idea #9 ....

Cause JoeQuake to file associate in Windows with the .dz and .dem formats so that you can double click those file types in Windows and it starts JoeQuake (with decent command line parameters like -zone 1024 and -heapsize 32000 or whatever a good heapsize one is) and play the demos.

It would also be cool if Internet Explorer could automatically invoke JoeQuake if those type of files were clicked on in the browser, in fact that automatically be accomplished with the above.

_________________ = RQ, 26001 = Rocket Arena, 26002 = Vote-Anything, Rockets/jet/7 runes, RQ on E1M7
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 4:38 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2003 7:44 pm
Posts: 198
The best thing I like about JoeQuake is that it's being actively develeoped.

I know there are two huds that can be set with cl_sbar. I prefer the original hud (the information on the side is distracting) but wish I could set the transparency level for its background. Any relevant information, in my opinion, like health, armor and ammo stats with their corresponding icons should remain opaque.


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 9:38 pm 
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Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2003 12:26 am
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I would like to Scroll up the console without it flying back down when someone dies.. Drives me nuts when I'm looking for something.

Also... the last version had this same problem.. If I don't minimize my icq buddy list I can see it when the game activates.. Nothing else burns thru like that. Just the ICQ buddy list even msgs don't burn thru..

The last version crashed on me of course I didn't know about the cmdhist or I would have checked that. My ICQ crashed at the same time.

yea yea yea PK.. I know.. Close the darn thing when I join a game BUT... I never do so throw me in Quake Jail !!!

One last thing.. Why is it still bringing up the menu and not console when activated? I know all I have to do is hit the esc but.. HEY !!!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 4:02 pm 
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Joe, let me confirm #5. I think I received that message before that Gohan reported but I may have not been doing everything right.

Ahh yeah, I read that in the other topic. It's another problem which happens since I didn't explain things enough detailed:
capturing DOES NOT work when the console is down or when the loading plaque is activated (so the game loads). This means that you can't stop your capturing process from the console since it doesn't capture anything when the console is down so it can't stop it. I will try to decide a better solution for this, until then use binds instead of the console.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 4:19 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
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You mean if I bind capture_start and capture_stop to keys then it works, right?

Perhaps you could have a message like "Please bind capture_stop to a key, direct console invocation is disabled. See JoeQuake docs for further details".

This was confusing to me, so I assumed it didn't work right.

_________________ = RQ, 26001 = Rocket Arena, 26002 = Vote-Anything, Rockets/jet/7 runes, RQ on E1M7
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 4:22 pm 
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You mean if I bind capture_start and capture_stop to keys then it works, right?


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