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 Post subject: Joszef, how hard would this be?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 2:14 am 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
Posts: 1612
Location: Ohio
Joszef, how hard would it be to make an extra options screen for a few other keys/features that are really missing from Quake?

For example, +mlook doesn't save to config. I don't think "crosshair 1"/"crosshair 0" does either.

Mouse Look                ON   /  OFF      //  +mlook
Crosshair                 ON   /  OFF      //  crosshair 1
Multiplayer Optimized     ON   /  OFF      //  turns off bobs, speed vars, vkick, etc.

Grappling Hook            (Key)            //   bind (key) +hook
Rune-Use                  (Key)            //   bind (key) rune-use
Rune-Delete               (Key)            //   bind (key) rune-delete
Rune-Tell                 (Key)            //   bind (key) rune-tell
Quick Grenade             (Key)            //   bind (key) +SATTACK6
Team Talk                 (Key)            //   bind (key) messagemode2
Say Team H/A              (Key)            //   bind (key) "say_team %L %H %A"

The multiplayer optimized would set ...

multiplayer optimized on ... wrote:
ookstrafe 0
lookspring 0
v_kickroll 0
v_kickpitch 0
v_kicktime 0
cl_sidespeed 999
cl_upspeed 999
cl_backspeed 999
cl_forwardspeed 999
cl_bob 0
cl_rollangle 0
scr_conspeed "999"

and if it were off, would set the defaults.

The say would basically use ProQuake file and say "(SNG) with 37 health/100 armor" where the (SNG) is looked up from the locs folder.

At first it looks like this screen would be somewhat Rune Quake specific, but actually that is sort of an illusion. All those binds work at IHOC and with Zop Mod and a new CTF mod under development is using those functions as well.

In truth the most popular NetQuake multiplayer mods are Rune Quake, CA+, IHOC, CTF and CA+ and the present CTF would just ignore those.

The concept is to make it super easy for a JoeQuake user to play multiplayer without learning about their config.cfg, which although that is second nature to many of us, there are a lot of players out there intimidated by that.

I've heard you are quite busy, but I just want to run this thought by you to see if it was something real easy to implement.

JoeQuake is easily the best thing to happen to NetQuake in years and the above would really complete the engine (along with having cfg_savevars set to 1 by default).

It would also be cool to have a simple server list like FuhQuake with the ability to read the information from a textfile so that server lists could be distributed with the engine.

Server Text file example wrote:, "Rune Quake server", "IHOC Quake", "Intertex CTF"

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:14 pm 
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Joined: Thu Dec 23, 2004 11:03 pm
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I'm not Joe, but I'll answer from my perspective with Tremor.

There are always ideas and suggestions for changes in menu's. Personally, I think something like DarkPlaces goes overboard with a zillion options, many of which are rarely changed. My goal was to have the most signficant and most frequently changed ones in the menu's.

Keep in mind, you can always create an autoexec.cfg for your other settings. Yeah, a pain in that you have to create it once....but you only do it once.

As to how hard it would be to make those's not that hard at all. If you have MSVC and can think logically, you can figure out the necessary changes and implement them yourself. That is how my projects came to be.

Additionally, many thanks to out to Joe for his hard work! Thanks! 8)

Justin Thyme

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 9:46 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
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This would be special edition for multiplayer or maybe something that could be turned on/off with a variable.

JoeQuake is pretty popular with the multiplayer Quake crowd vs. Dark Places which is basically a single player Engine.

And there are some of us pushing the major multiplayer NetQuake mods to get uniform inter-mod bindings, +hook for example is pretty much a standard on every multiplayer mod and IHOC now supports all major RuneQuake binds.

Sputnikutah is the CA+ developer and he could just add this to bindings sent to the client ...

alias rune-delete ""
alias rune-use ""
alias rune-tell ""
alias +hook ""

... since CA+ doesn't need or use any of those.

There is a new CTF on the way that uses Rune Quake binds as alternates for throwing backpacks and weapons. So the standardization thing is working out quite nicely.

Add FreeQuake into the equation and EZ Installers (click and play now) and a couple of shareware compatible servers (one will go live very soon) plus a JoeQuake with an option to set these keys are we will be looking at all the ingredients for a multiplayer Quake boom since shareware Quake can legally be distributed and therefore the word can be spread around the internet.

Who wouldn't want to play Quake if were free, newbie friendly and had cool JoeQuake graphics if it were 3 clicks and a mere 10 MB download to play?

Besides Quake 1 is easily the best multiplayer game ever made and has an army of developers like yourself.

Unlike other games, shareware Quake + ProQuake + JoeQuake = 10 MB versus the free bloatware games that are like 300 MB downloads. (And therefore you have to register at some site or get in a queue and be #576 of 1000 waiting in line).


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:04 pm 
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Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2003 2:09 pm
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whoops, forgot about this one either, sorry.

Of course, adding a modification into the menu you mentioned Baker, isn't a big deal, I can surely add it in no time. Good idea.

I'm planning to finally head over to the multiplayer part a little bit and add such major things like .loc support, ping overlay and many many more I havent figured out yet but was asked a thousand time long ago.

Just keep me pushing, so I wont forget about them =)

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 9:44 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
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Jozsef wrote:
whoops, forgot about this one either, sorry.

Of course, adding a modification into the menu you mentioned Baker, isn't a big deal, I can surely add it in no time. Good idea.

I'm planning to finally head over to the multiplayer part a little bit and add such major things like .loc support, ping overlay and many many more I havent figured out yet but was asked a thousand time long ago.

Just keep me pushing, so I wont forget about them =)

What a guy, what a guy!

Thanks Joszef!

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:12 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
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Hey, Joe. If you can do the above without say_team ... which is likely the biggest hassle, that'd be great. Say_team would be nice to have in the long term, but isn't really all that important short term.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 4:06 pm 
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I've started to modify the options menu as requested, here's how far I got after some work today:


I've havent made the changes to the keys, but I'll do it with time.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 4:23 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
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Looking great, it's long been odd that Quake doesn't preserve +mlook and crosshair 0/1.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 4:37 pm 
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Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2003 2:09 pm
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As you notice, I removed "go to console" and "reset to defaults" since I'm sure nobody used these ones. "Lookspring" is replaced with "Mouse Look".

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 1:28 am 
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Joined: Thu Dec 23, 2004 11:03 pm
Posts: 13
Looking good! The MP Config type thing is a cool idea.

Justin Thyme

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