Beta Level 2 will be available Sunday.
I was having difficulty deciding where to draw the line on what to include or exclude from this next beta:
Will have:
1. Play demos (including the dzipped type) and maps automatically.
2. Map/demo acquire mode (for advanced users).
3. Ability to easily play/host several different types of games in listen server mode.
4. Ability to single click a demo on the media panel and convert a demo to AVI. (with a properly installed codec). At present, only this
XVID codec works for me. Considering codec's reputations for being fragile, I am particularly interested in feedback on this.
5. Ability to largely avoid any Quake knowledge and still have an excellent config file. Here is a screenshot of the "easy to use version" of the key setup screen for a non-advanced user (the detailed version exists too as a different button but really gets into things someone new would not want to deal with):
For keys specific to multiplayer servers, I have the aliases set to empty meaning that if you are not playing a multiplayer on a server that supports the alias, nothing happens.
Those aliases are defined by the respective servers and sent to the client when connecting.
6. Several built-in and solid aliases to improve play. For example, pressing TAB doesn't just show your score, but shows your FPS, speed and the currrent time as well. Standard demo rewind and fast forward keys.
7. Several ease of use enhancements that have to be used to be understood.
8. Other features I don't remember.