I hope others contribute their knowledge to this as well because I'm only 1 guy
I'll start with the red lightning gun (which I made

To install the red lightning gun skin: RIGHT CLICK the picture immediately above and do ....
"Save As" or "Save Picture As" and put it in c:\quake\joequake\textures\models
Now joequake-gl.exe will be using the red lightning gun.
To use gold rocket launcher, right click and do "Save As" and put it in c:\quake\joequake\textures\models
You will now have a gold rocket launcher in joequake-gl.exe
Problems? wrote:
Note: You must be using the standard ID Software normal Quake lightning gun and rocket launcher in the above examples. If you are using some lightning gun that isn't the normal one,
this won't skin it properly and it will look all wrong.
If this is the case *cough* Yellow's Texture Pack*cough* , delete your non-normal-Quake lightning gun model c:\quake\joequake\progs\v_light.mdl and non-normal-Quake rocket launcher c:\quake\joequake\progs\v_rock2.mdl
If you are using an extra pak file with weapon models and such -- like a pak2.pak in c:\quake\id1 or a pak1.pak in c:\quake\joequake -- may the Chthon have mercy on your soul because I'm not going there