When I first started playing quake again earlier this year, I was delighted to find new quake clients with snazzier graphics such as joequake and qrack (jqpro then). However, there was not a lot of documentation on how to find and install the things needed to make them great such as textures, lightmaps, weapons models, charsets, etc.
After putting together everything I needed to make my qrack setup look great, I thought I should post all the resources to make it easier for others to make their quake setups looks great too, without doing a ton of working tracking stuff down and figuring out of how to install it. I decided the best way to do it was put it all in a pak file that would be easy to install. It's got about everything you'd need to make you quake setup look great, and it's only a
20MB download.
(Note: these screenshots were taken with qrack which has a few features not present in Joequake such as poly outlining. Also I added the new bmodels from
the quake retex project since taking these.)
This pak contains:

The texture set I put together, with more textures and updates since it was originally posted (contains textures from the retex project, the old retex project, the old tremor set, fuhquake, and some originals, formated down to a nice size by Baker).

Lit files (light maps) for all standard Id levels.

The MonkeyRat weapon models and skins (plague's pak)

The new bmodels set from the retex project (heath packs, ammo, mega health, etc).

Higher res monster skins (from fuhquake).

Hud elements, edited for use with standard status bar (use cl_sbar "1")

A nice gloomy skybox that is very fitting for quake IMO.
Download Yellow's pak1 (20MB)
To install put pak1.pak in /joequake or /qrack folder, put the autoexec.bat in there too, or add its contents to your own. If you already have a pak1.pak, rename this one pak2.pak, or whatever.
If you use Qrack, make sure you get the new version off
http://www.quakeone.com/qrack/ as it contains a new pak0.pak that this pak is meant to be used with.
If you are using Joequake, you should replace your pak0.pak with this one:
Download Joequake pak0.pak +extras (2MB)
This pak contains:

The new Joequake menu graphics reformated to reduce size 50% with no loss of quality.

A new conback image.

A new charset, the one that is all caps with a each character outlined, but edited to show difference between lowercase and caps.
Also, if you just want the updated version of my texture set, not in pak format, download that here:
Yellow's textures (11MB)
This pak contains:

The texture set I put together, with more textures and updates since it was originally posted (contains texture from the retex project, the old retex project, the old tremor set, fuhquake, and some originals, formated down to a nice size by Baker).

The new bmodels set from the retex project (heath packs, ammo, mega health, etc).

Higher res monster skins (from fuhquake).