version 0.15 build 1189
-added vid_vsync cvar from FuhQuake, to override the default vsync settings of
your graphics card's driver. Default value is "0" which means vsync is turned off.
-added -displayfrequency command line switch which works similar to FuhQuake's
vid_displayfrequency cvar: the value given after -displayfrequency will override
your monitor's refresh rate.
-gl_smoothmodels's bug has been fixed.
-v_gunkick's bug has been fixed, and changed cvar's behaviour:
when using with value 1 the weapon kicks the original (old) way.
when using with value 2 the kick is much smoother just like in QW.
-_windowed_mouse works properly now, even if the game starts in windowed mode and
_windowed_mouse is turned off.
-server list now works properly: it saves the file servers.txt every time even if
it wasn't created before. Also, the saving of server description names which
contain spaces have been fixed.
-added function to a few keys during demoplayback (originally made by Sputnikutah):
LEFTARROW plays the demo rewind
RIGHTARROW plays the demo forward
UPARROW increases the playback speed (cl_demospeed)
DOWNARROW decreases the playback speed
ENTER sets default demospeed and plays it forward

I'll have to check 'em out.
Just wondering about something: "-displayfrequency ... works similar to FuhQuake's
vid_displayfrequency cvar"
Why have a different cvar name than FuhQuake for this or is the feature different in some way?
I bet trinca's happy now
Hehe, Trincas posted about refresh rates about 12 times on 3 boards