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 Post subject: Runequake guide needs editors
PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 6:53 pm 
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Joined: Fri May 02, 2003 8:46 am
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I wrote descriptions for all the runes and effects, but I need some people to read it over and tell me if I make sense throughout. I know I can describe things in an odd way sometimes! Also, I would like to include any strategies you use that are not noted.
I didn't write anything for weapons or items, so this guide isn't a replacement for another guide nor a complete guide for Runequake, but I do believe the level of details in effects hasn't been documented elsewhere.


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 Post subject: update
PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 12:49 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 08, 2003 3:20 am
Posts: 58

(Haste rune) You: after firing BFG, you can not fire anything for 3 seconds.

(Electric Rune) OPP: If you have enviro suit, you can go for a swim and zap players under water.

(Kamakazi) OPP: Columns, platforms, and lifts will shield you. Although you did mention enviro rune as a counter in another section, you should mention it here as well. Most people will not read this guide front to back, so each rune section should contain all of it's counters.

(Death spot) OPP: pick up vengenance and pent and send your opponent into oblivion every 10 seconds.

(Hologram) You: Color matching is only visible in non-GL clients. GL-clients see a gold pant, brown shirt figure. Strategy: match your colors to the GL colors and have some fun!

(Uncontrollable jumping) You: A player with the flight rune is forced to the ceiling.

(Rune of health) You: Although your maximum is set to 666, Mega Health boxes will bump your health up to 150 more health point above 666 (or for that matter any rune's max).

(Shield) You: when activated acts like the enviro rune against all traps. (Not for sure if it protects you against hook though)

(Switch rune) You: There is a distance limitation on switch. If you are trying to switch with someone far away, you will see blue particles appear between you and your opponent. Switching with Shambies is very effective. An undamaged dhamby holds 400 health. If you have red armor and switch with a shamby, now you have RA and 400 health! OPP: can be avoided with enviro.

(Gravity rune) You: Your projecticles and shots are not attracted to it. OPP: If your opponent lays one of these in a busy room. spam grenades at it. Grenades fly around the well and cause havoc for all players in its vicinity. Wells do not effect you until you are within about 25 (virtual feet) of it.

(Teleport) OPP: get the anti-telefrag rune and stand still with a shit eating grin.

(Impact) You: very effective at keeping a pent owner away.

(Vengenace) Zop you need to add that when they carry quad and this rune it returns 4X damage back when you are hit. (Just a clarification)

(Shambler rune) You: After your shamby is covered in timebombs and your opponent is ready to send it back to you, drop the rune and it leaves all of his own time bombs ticking away right in front of him. OPP: after killing shamby player, the best way to kill the shambler is quad/strength/bezerk and lighting gun.

(Weird rune) YOU: If you find your opponent has zombies blocking your path, you can weird out the zombies and they will eventually jump out of your way. Same goes for shamby, but it seems useless against the shamby since his perfect aim is unaffected.

(Bezerk rune) You: Can you say pent? OPP: shield works great against this type of player.

(Hougan rune) Repulsion, impact, and gravity moves these zombies with ease.

(Zen rune) It is important to note that when a zen user is not "tranced" he is 100% vulnerable to shells, nails & cells. GL & RL are either random or require a direct hit (not for sure).

(Fire rune) I have taken out very healthy players with this rune. Hook on and throw traps at them. There is no delay between how often you can throw a trap so you can effectively use it as a weapon.

(Glue traps) Although I do not agree with this, it is important to note that you can get caught in your own trap while still bearing the rune. Only death spots and tornados work in this fashion.

(Blizzard rune) Even if you are charged up and ready to freeze, if you accidentally bump into someone, you lose your charge.

(Snipe rune) OPP: Extremly dangerous if the user owns pent.

(Anti-pak rune) Note: This will stop a player from bfging if he picks up mid charge.

(Tornado rune) You do not always gain 50 cells when picked up. I'm not
for sure what the cutoff is, but I know after 60 cells it gives you nothing.

These are my additions. I talked to Slot about making an Official Rune Guide about 6 months ago, except I wanted to incorporate pictures into the guide. I think you have created all of the verbage necessary and that the addition of pictures would make this a very niece guide. Making it into a HTML document with tables is my vision. I am still up to making this more elaborate guide that I speak of, but I need another player to join me at a server to take screenshots.

Examples would be screen shots of a person frozen, on fire, tornado, spike on head, vengenance head, etc.

I have already taken screen shots of everything that I can do by myself, Ice traps, weird balls, fire traps, switch particles, etc., but that's only half of what is really needed.


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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 1:32 am 
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The HTML idea sounds great! We should get together to do screenshots. I'm not hot with HTML, but I'm sure it's easy with a webpage creation application.

I added practically everything you noted. I clarified Haste + bfg effect- it turns out the time between shots is the same (with/without rune), but the ball is just released quicker with haste, so it causes the effect you described.

I was wrong about the bonus 50 cells on Tornado, it just forces you to 60 cells.

Oh, and I uploaded new version.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 2:32 am 

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Posts: 58
I went over the changes. I think it is important to add that the rune of shielding lets you walk through traps when activated. (like the enviro rune) This is an important feature of the rune. I like the way you added everything else into the document.

I am above average with HTML. I can also create a PDF when its done to make it a nice printable manual. HTML pages do not always print correctly. I think ADOBE is the only company that has ever mastered document printing when pictures and text are involved.

Here are the screenshots I have taken thus far toward this project. There are many more that I could of done. I have setup a private rune server for us as well. We should probaly make an appointment to do this. Maybe next weekend? May 27th?

Once done, I bet Slot will host it here at this site...


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 4:35 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2003 7:44 pm
Posts: 198
The guide is quite thorough. Everytime I thought of a rune characteristic that might have been missed, I discovered it was already mentioned.

For consistency, I would use all uppercase for "BFG".

Something to consider is to hotlink actual Quake sounds into the guide.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 4:46 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2003 7:44 pm
Posts: 198
The Blink Rune has a use limit restriction. I don't have the exact figures, but once you use it a certain number of times, you have to wait a few seconds before you can activate it again.

If you have Shambler Helper, the The rune-tell command will let you know the shambler's health and current enemy.

The shambler usually starts out with 400 health.

You can not hurt your own shambler.

Your shambler will outlive you for a few seconds and then disappear even if he receives no damage from other players.

"The Shambler will always have a lot of health and quad damage" can be better worded. He does start out with a lot of health, but he can die due to excessive damage and therefore he doesn't "always have a lot of health".

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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 5:44 am 

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Yeah, and don't forget about the impervious shambler shield. Going crazy with rune-use will make you impervious to anything except rockets and grenades.

And of course, bomb a Shambler and send back to master.

And how Shamblers are always helpful in getting in your way so you kill yourself with RL or can't hook to avoid falling in lava :D :D

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PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 12:24 am 
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Quite a lot of valid neccessities for Shambler! I wrote a long and short description for the blink recharge effect. There's quite a few runes that have an additional rune-tell function, so those will be needed.

I'm going to run through shield and every trap to be thorough in its description. I'll note when guide is updated.

Update: Slot ran through the tests for me, and shield does protect from ice traps, death traps, and torch traps, but not anti-packs nor glue traps.

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PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 9:18 am 

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I found out last night...It does not protect against weird either.

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 Post subject: update
PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 1:16 am 
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Crazicracker, since you are using the latest guide, you need to add mention that when you are in a glue trap, you cannot use a rune. Also add that the hook can still be fired when you're stuck, but it won't pull you until the trap is released.

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 Post subject: nothing to see here
PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:38 pm 
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Updated guide again. Changes:

Enviro description of healing in water, added not that gasp sound is not played for Enviro rune, and being caught in glue traps prevents rune-use.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 3:24 am 
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Another update... just clarification editing.

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 Post subject: Re: Runequake guide needs editors
PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:20 am 

Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:26 pm
Posts: 38
Zop, Slot, you are more than welcome to take my Runequake And You guide from and use any of it as you see fit. theres some handy info in it that a lot of people didnt know til i posted it. ill fetch you the link...

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 Post subject: Re: Runequake guide needs editors
PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:40 am 
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Updated (last update was a year ago), just a typo, and I added a couple things mentioned my Crazic (where did he go?) and DeathKnight.

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 Post subject: Re: Runequake guide needs editors
PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:21 am 
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In other news, I updated the info on the Phasing Rune... it was slightly incorrect and worded badly (my trademark).

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 Post subject: Re: Runequake guide needs editors
PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 8:49 pm 

Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:39 am
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cobalt wrote:
One thing I noticed that is odd. You got the sniper rune, and if you fire it and miss someone, you lose I think 25 health? A better solution may be not to penalize health, but take away more shells when firing. I have seen the pent used with this rune, and its kind of neat like that, but because you cant zoom in with a scope as if its a real sniper rifle, the long distance shots are really hard to do anyway, unless I guess if you used the +zoom level built into the engine to zoom in your view....

one thing beneficial to me when I have sniper rune + pent ,is I have rune-use bound to mwheeldown.

scrolling down on the mwheel = chaingun sniper :P

I think consuming ammo > consuming your health. The benefits of sniper rune are completely outweighed by its pitfalls imo

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 Post subject: Re: Runequake guide needs editors
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 11:58 pm 
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It's been over nine years, so I thought the guide should be updated. It was actually incomplete, since I did not mention that grenades bounce off players using the Shield Rune, thus making the guide basically useless.

More seriously, my writing wasn't that great (not that it's now great), so I made many edits and removed some fluff. It never was really proofread, so there were some grammatical mistakes. It took a bit over a couple hours, so chances are I started missing errors.

What happened to the runes in nine years? Not much, actually. The haste rune had to be updated to account for guided rockets being the new alternate weapon for the rocket launcher. The pet shambler no longer blocks your own projectiles, making it a sort of one-way mirror for rockets. Of course, there were other feature changes and bugfixes in Rune Quake, but nothing to be mentioned in the rune guide.

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