Jackhammer, I put together a site to showcase and explain your server well to other Europeans who are not familiar with your server, plus to provide an easy to remember download location.
I also think this site does a good job of showcasing the power of this mod.
The tweaks I made to Rune Quake 1.2 for your server:
1. Doing vote-arena will switch to the RockGate Map
2. Removed a prohibition against vote-match if a server isn't in 26001 Rocket Arena /26002 Practice Mode mode since you guys will be using a single server for whatever mode.
3. Added "commands" and "vote-help" to the intro screen since many of your players have never used this mod before and don't know any of the commands or even to type "commands". Also added maps download location (the above page... you'll have FTP to change it/modify it, etc. if you wish)
4. Added all 130 custom maps to the maps-auto.qc
5. Next level while in Rocket Arena mode will go to another rocket arena map instead of some other random map.
6. Removed FOV 90 from the code for Polarite and other "traditional" players. Slot gave me instructions for how to do that.
7. IP Masking in the mod. It's in it and always on.
And I think that is it. I commented by changes rather well in the QuakeC for the most part and they were all subtle ones.
I asked Lardarse and RocketGuy small QuakeC questions to make sure I did it right and it should be perfect.
Here is the source and compiled progs.dat:
Jackhammer Rune Quake 1.2
To compile, unzip to a folder. Go to DOS and switch to the POQ subfolder, then type QCCX /O2 (<-- that's not a zero) and it will make a progs.dat in the parent folder. You should open up settings.qc and change the admin code from 123456 (which will not work) to a code of your own choice. I did compile it with an admin code and can private message that to you if you don't feel like messing with compiling right now.
You would then take the progs.dat and the autoexec.cfg which is in there and upload those.