lunchbox wrote:
Thanks Baker, I was getting ready to compile from source (it is linux after all) when I decided to give the precompiled svgalib from the the official svgalib website a try. Surprisingly, all you have to do is copy the file from their website to /lib. Unfortunately there was an incompatibility with my version of (it was looking for A symlink (ln -s /lib/ /lib/ got sqpro to run as a dedicated server.
Unfortunately, it says that modified games can't be run from a shareware copy of Quake. This is strange seeing as how I can host a normal Quake1 Coop game using the same pak0.pak and pak1.pak and play e4m1 without a hitch on darkplaces or fteqw. I believe this warrants further investigation. I will post an update if I can figure out what its babbling about.
(still waiting patiently for the 1.2 release
RQuake uses a number of monsters from the registered version of Quake.
Btw ... the registered version of Quake is PAK1.PAK.
Shareware Quake is pak0.pak
Registered Quake is pak0.pak + pak1.pak.
The server has to be running the registered version of Quake, so do the clients.
Pak1.pak contains Vores, Hell Knights, Fish, Enforcers and all maps E2M1 thru E4M8 (see map reference, )
Anyway, I glad you successfully compiled it. That makes you far more Linux knowledgeable than me, hehe
If you need more help keep posting.