Some things I and other have noticed on port 26002:
1. MM2 doesn't work.
2. The team score totals are wrong, at least some of the times. For example, after a match one game it printed something like RED: 52 BLUE: 17 when the red guys only had somewhere around 36 frags. I think during that match, we fragged each other in practice mode before doing the vote-match so that could have something to do with it.
Something the players in Europe noticed:
3. Megahealth respawn time is wrong. Yeah, I know it's different in Rune Quake but it would be cool if in match mode if it mirrored CRMOD/vanilla Quake.
4. It would be nice if when in match mode, if the map used Quake default item placement. This is particularly noticeable to them on E1M1 and E1M2 where Rune Quake has extra rocket launchers.
Something Bam noticed:
5. Bam doesn't think Quad's should drop in match mode
Something I noticed:
6. On maps like DM5 and UltraV, you can shoot buttons to activate buttons that should need to be pressed. Maybe have that feature non-functional in a vote-match game as it can lead to unfair advantages if one player is aware of the functionality and the other player is not.
Just some thoughts on vote-match. The only one that actually bothers me personally is the MM2 not working, hehe.