Zop wrote:
I'm not sure what you're going on about, Paradise.
As for the topic, I don't see how your guide is going to help with cheaters.
As for your guide, I don't think anyone will want to read it with that attitude. It sounds as though you're being forced into helping.
Following the trend of the thread, I am displaying the negative and documented behaviour of cheater-accusers on the Shmack server. The preceeding was one of the worst examples I have ever witnessed directed at me and others.
As previously stated by many posters, the cheaters are actually misguided people that really want a higher score and generally want to do better in-game. I am hoping that, instead of them actually enjoying being troublemakers on purpose.

This is an assumption and not a direct fact as there is no way to prove this by verification.
Yes, I was forced into helping by my own conscience and kindness towards others.

Being subjected to repeated accusations and verbal abuse - as the worst example illustrated above - I decided to donate my time and through my efforts, lift up the skills of this RuneQuake community by freely sharing my knowledge of playing the game in a successfull manner yielding positive results as displayed by me - for the purpose of eliminating this negative behaviour through positive teaching. Another alternate reason could be the same as why you created your Rune guide and any other guide ever created by others - the purpose of it being to help players whether new and old - something good for everybody.

I just want everyone to play better and thus hoping this will attribute to a friendlier atmosphere due to more matured and confident players.
What is my attitude? I think it is a natural human reaction not to think positively about someone which addresses you into that kind of way. In other words, I think he is inhuman for it and part of my resentment towards him did -unintentionally- slip into the expression of my post. I do apologize for that if you feel offended, as I am human after all and like everyone else, would not like to be talked to this way. I did ignore it on the server, however I did see it fit to say it here since all the talk here
is related to negative behaviour in this extent.
And how do you know how my guide will be perceived if you have never read it, and by others? Actually, being affected by my human emotion, I was ready to stop producing it - asking myself why should I teach these kind of people and waste my time doing it - and Slot graciously encouraged me to go on and finish it, as I was more than already 1/2 way done with it.

I apologize if that pic is too verbally violent to be posted into this forum. This is what happened and at any Admin's request I will remove it immediatley if requested and found too offensive and inappropriate for here.
Thanks for your reply and I hope this clarifies everything and for everybody.

I am doing my best with everything and the Guide meant for playing this game into the present times.

Regards and sorry for the long reply, it is usually lenghty to cover all aspects of your questions.
