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 Post subject: Re: Hah
PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:26 pm 
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Joined: Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:39 am
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Frenzy wrote:
I'd like to take this time to thank Scoffer for saying our names so much and giving us so much recognition. I love when you call me a bot, it's the best compliment there is, I just get tired of you talking. You remind me of... well, doesn't matter. You're comments are about as useful as a poop flavored lollipop. But again, thanks for the recognition, we all apreciate it, as you give us all a good laugh just by posting the things you do. Have a good night Mr. Scoffer! You're our biggest fan!

I'd like to point out that if your lollipop tastes like poop, then turn it OVER! it's the other side you want to lick.... :shock:

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:52 am 
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ummmm, is this the same spanky from old gooland? sorry, off topic


Latest Quake Video: Beatdown Alley III

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:54 pm 
King Scoffer

Joined: Fri May 05, 2006 12:09 pm
Posts: 136
I love this thread!!!

I havent been allowed back on here since that post!!!! maybe I got banned for post cheating?? since all the known cheats swear they have a demo of me cheating....and how I was banned for it...

so far from the truth......

I was banned for saying I crashed widomaker.....and it was actually a joke....but ended up in like a 100 post thread at the time....

otherwise I dont remember ever being banned again...but I could be wrong!!!!


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:02 am 

Joined: Fri May 09, 2003 3:39 am
Posts: 32
Scoffer wrote:
I love this thread!!!

I havent been allowed back on here since that post!!!! maybe I got banned for post cheating?? since all the known cheats swear they have a demo of me cheating....and how I was banned for it...

so far from the truth......

I was banned for saying I crashed widomaker.....and it was actually a joke....but ended up in like a 100 post thread at the time....

otherwise I dont remember ever being banned again...but I could be wrong!!!!


You got banned on the message boards along with getting banned on the servers for cheating? Like I said, once a cheat, always a cheat....just like John Stryker. Banned for saying you crashed widomaker??...yeah right, good excuse!!!! "dont remember being banned again".. WTF is that???? How can you not remember? :lol: :lol: :lol: That is a little statement to kind of cover yourself incase others remember you being banned for botting and cheating? The little world of scoffers childish mind. :roll:

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:40 am 
King Scoffer

Joined: Fri May 05, 2006 12:09 pm
Posts: 136
wow, you are an idiot quazy. please keep showing how much of one you are.

o, and take your damn meds, your starting to OCD out again.....


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:19 am 

Joined: Fri May 09, 2003 3:39 am
Posts: 32
Keep talkin'...Lovin it. :lol:

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:21 am 

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Posts: 196
the only idiot here is you, that is clear to see, denying it is pointless, i mean god, how can u live with yourself, cant you see you are an abomination of god? i know u feel that same way inside, and it's wanting to get out, u cant hide/ keep it in forever. your hate that u project towards everybody is eating u up inside like acid. if i were you and couldnt change, i would shoot myself in the face or jump in front of the train. u must be in great pain, your maker wants you to end your suffering so please go to see him. and if u will not do that, please at least do the next best thing and do us all the great favor and leave quake entirely as clearly you are not wanted here by anyone. at least do one good thing in your sad, pathetic life. as a tortured soul you might have some chance of gaining an entry into heaven if u change and it's not to late, otherwise i guarantee u will be headed towards a very hot place, and i think u know exactly what im talking about.

or seek professional help, that is always an option too.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:02 pm 
King Scoffer

Joined: Fri May 05, 2006 12:09 pm
Posts: 136
wow, this bitch is great. look at the time and thought she put into this.

funny, nothing in it AT ALL is true.

makes you wonder about her honestly in playing?

this devil worshipping crazy is way out there.

I did define tia in google, this is what I got:

"Neurological symptoms occur due to transient interruption of the blood flow to the brain."

its says so much for her.........


Paradise wrote:
the only idiot here is you, that is clear to see, denying it is pointless, i mean god, how can u live with yourself, cant you see you are an abomination of god? i know u feel that same way inside, and it's wanting to get out, u cant hide/ keep it in forever. your hate that u project towards everybody is eating u up inside like acid. if i were you and couldnt change, i would shoot myself in the face or jump in front of the train. u must be in great pain, your maker wants you to end your suffering so please go to see him. and if u will not do that, please at least do the next best thing and do us all the great favor and leave quake entirely as clearly you are not wanted here by anyone. at least do one good thing in your sad, pathetic life. as a tortured soul you might have some chance of gaining an entry into heaven if u change and it's not to late, otherwise i guarantee u will be headed towards a very hot place, and i think u know exactly what im talking about.

or seek professional help, that is always an option too.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:17 pm 
King Scoffer

Joined: Fri May 05, 2006 12:09 pm
Posts: 136
I also did Scoffer in google and this is what it gave me:

someone who eats food rapidly and greedily <---hell yes

someone who jeers or mocks or treats something with contempt or calls out in derision <--- tia and quazy will love this

One who ridicules, mocks or makes fun of another person. <---Bingo!

funny, how Im always right, and so far even their video has NO truth.

maybe their really not cheating................



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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:43 pm 

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:09 pm 
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Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 12:57 am
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Hiya Stranger! Good to see your smiling face. I don't have anything more to add to this thread, just wanted to say hi to Quazy. :)

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 3:44 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:17 am
Posts: 196
yes that and a promise to play more :P i miss those summers long ago, when we used to frag hours at a time.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:39 pm 
King Scoffer

Joined: Fri May 05, 2006 12:09 pm
Posts: 136
if the cheatas want to have a conversation, please start a new thread, perhaps called "Bullshit from a known Cheat" would be a good tittle. Tia, Cherri, Quazy, even toyo and Reborn could stay and sing song of joy for hours.

otherwise, stick to topic. Beotch.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:12 am 

Joined: Fri May 09, 2003 3:39 am
Posts: 32
Hello there! Good to see you too! Its been awhile, but Ive started playing again lately and getting involved. Hopefully Ill cya playing RQ soon? 8)

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 Post subject: Re: To everyone interested in stopping cheaters
PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:35 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2008 1:43 pm
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All these asshats (scoffer, spy, etc) accusing me of cheating or 'hacking' is getting really fucking old. And all these clueless idiots really should keep up with quake development. If they had any clue, they'd know that several people have implemented anti-wallhacking options on the servers, rendering chase_active abuse, pak2 bar models and wireframe cheats/hacks/exploits useless.

Scoffer = faggot. Surfer Girl = man.

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 Post subject: Re: To everyone interested in stopping cheaters
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:35 pm 
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Joined: Fri May 06, 2005 11:13 pm
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just go to youtube and type on scoffer and quake

Latest Quake Video: Beatdown Alley III

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 Post subject: Re: To everyone interested in stopping cheaters
PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 5:58 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:17 am
Posts: 196
I do not even care about them anymore.

If they spent 1/100th of the time they spend whining uselessly actually learning something, they would get far more ahead. If you can not learn a simple game that has been out for 12 years with a ton of documents free available on the Net - then you have no business crying about it to this enormous extent.

Conclusion - if you whine this much about such a simple game without doing nothing about it to better yourself, you will fail at it and with this philosphy, you fail at life. Everything is about learning.

The Guide I have in the works is my last attempt to spoon-feed these crybaby noobs into becoming actual competent players.

It is a shame that good players are met with attitudes such as this. This next one exemplifies the worst I have ever seen. Aside from being such an obvious nuisance, this tool right here actually thinks he is running the place!

I took snippets of his oration for this displayed pic. By his speech, it is obvious that he is one and the same, i.e. Blood - Free The 3. He has been doing this for a very long time now.


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 Post subject: Re: To everyone interested in stopping cheaters
PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:49 am 
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Joined: Fri May 02, 2003 8:46 am
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I'm not sure what you're going on about, Paradise.

As for the topic, I don't see how your guide is going to help with cheaters.

As for your guide, I don't think anyone will want to read it with that attitude. It sounds as though you're being forced into helping.

a random mod server:

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 Post subject: Re: To everyone interested in stopping cheaters
PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:24 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:17 am
Posts: 196
Zop wrote:
I'm not sure what you're going on about, Paradise.

As for the topic, I don't see how your guide is going to help with cheaters.

As for your guide, I don't think anyone will want to read it with that attitude. It sounds as though you're being forced into helping.

Following the trend of the thread, I am displaying the negative and documented behaviour of cheater-accusers on the Shmack server. The preceeding was one of the worst examples I have ever witnessed directed at me and others.

As previously stated by many posters, the cheaters are actually misguided people that really want a higher score and generally want to do better in-game. I am hoping that, instead of them actually enjoying being troublemakers on purpose. :roll: This is an assumption and not a direct fact as there is no way to prove this by verification.

Yes, I was forced into helping by my own conscience and kindness towards others. :) Being subjected to repeated accusations and verbal abuse - as the worst example illustrated above - I decided to donate my time and through my efforts, lift up the skills of this RuneQuake community by freely sharing my knowledge of playing the game in a successfull manner yielding positive results as displayed by me - for the purpose of eliminating this negative behaviour through positive teaching. Another alternate reason could be the same as why you created your Rune guide and any other guide ever created by others - the purpose of it being to help players whether new and old - something good for everybody. :)

I just want everyone to play better and thus hoping this will attribute to a friendlier atmosphere due to more matured and confident players.

What is my attitude? I think it is a natural human reaction not to think positively about someone which addresses you into that kind of way. In other words, I think he is inhuman for it and part of my resentment towards him did -unintentionally- slip into the expression of my post. I do apologize for that if you feel offended, as I am human after all and like everyone else, would not like to be talked to this way. I did ignore it on the server, however I did see it fit to say it here since all the talk here is related to negative behaviour in this extent.

And how do you know how my guide will be perceived if you have never read it, and by others? Actually, being affected by my human emotion, I was ready to stop producing it - asking myself why should I teach these kind of people and waste my time doing it - and Slot graciously encouraged me to go on and finish it, as I was more than already 1/2 way done with it. :)

I apologize if that pic is too verbally violent to be posted into this forum. This is what happened and at any Admin's request I will remove it immediatley if requested and found too offensive and inappropriate for here.

Thanks for your reply and I hope this clarifies everything and for everybody. :) I am doing my best with everything and the Guide meant for playing this game into the present times. :D

Regards and sorry for the long reply, it is usually lenghty to cover all aspects of your questions. :)

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 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:19 pm 
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Joined: Fri May 06, 2005 2:29 pm
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toyo_mr2 wrote:
Sound is a stimuli that influences behavior.

I should have dressed-up to post here: This thread has attracted all the best people. :-P

Have to agree with Toyo here. I routinely play with headphones which allows you to turn on a dime & in a "bot-like" manner dispatch enemies approaching aft.

"They say the sea is cold, but the sea contains the hottest blood of all, and the wildest, the most urgent."
--D H Lawrence

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