truth is : people come in when they see me, and they leave when they see you. Its ONLY you and the very few others (quazy, frenzy, SNS etc) that chase people off. I like all the other players , as I very often give them a G1 with every kill.
And its ONLY you and the other cheats that I "harrass"...I dont want to empty anything...never have, I think its been you wanting and posting about people like me to leave. When everyone playing just wants to play, not be "harrassed" by someone leading 45 to 2, with obvious advantages. ( I call cheats)
try playing alone with your "equals" more often, and people won't harrass you. You, gayzy, Baker, reborn, foger, maybe even Cookie could have your own little game going. Or would that be no fun for you? playing against an "equal"? No chance of dominating??? mmmmmm....
Your SNS mom was calling you earlier, better get home and take care of business!!!
King Scoffer
Paradise wrote:
Boss, the issue is not being killed by Scoffer, it's his ongoing verbal harrassment and chat binds and abuse.
If u want to know who the most annoying player is, not verbally, it is HappyBunny aka Fire. He is infuriating, one must have nerves of steel in dealing with him. U lose good runes and die as he camps and blocks your way to powerups with traps. But that is not the issue here. I have no problem with him, he is in fact a challenge to the game and what makes it interesting.
Again, what I stressed is Scoffer's harrassment of other players, and the fact that he wants to empty the server out (and he partly accomplishes that with his bs behaviour).
I agree with you, these kind of posts give the board and the server a bad rep. It is at your discretion to close them, esp. since we know what Scoffer is going to say, i.e. the same crap over and over, so it's really no loss if we dont listen to him or hear what he has to say anymore.