I used a PostNuke PHP script that ran within my website, but now my webhost won't allow me to pullinfo from an outside source & display it.
Just something simple. A logo on top with a link to my site, the servers listed like they are on your site looks just fine. Possigble a black background with red letters to sorta match my site. I can send you the maps images for Q2 and UT if needed. Then the footer with your credits on it. I just would like to have a Live diplay of the server, who's on it, and the map its currently on.
If its small enough, I maybe able to display your page within my PostNuke site. Sorta like this page within a page...
http://www.dxradioworld.com/index.php?m ... &page=dxtsI would hate to take the servers down couse I can't advertise them anymore. Would like to try to keep them known & active.
Here is a good logo...


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