Hog, you really need to change that video card, buddy.
I did the research for you and came up with this excellent card at an excellent price. If you can afford $140, you can surely bring back life into that PC which is not bad to begin with with this nearly top of the line card for a great price which will juice up your computer considerably - guaranteed! :d You can also enjoy most of semi-recent games as well as rock Quake in GL.
Here is your new card (notice all the good reviews of it):
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814195031I have one very similar to that one and it rox! All my games run great and at maxed out resultions.
GL will run with what you have but you will get lower performance. It will still be faster then software. I have a very powerful computer and it is slower for me in software mode then in GL accelerated mode. GL takes into account your graphics card which software mode does not, in any case, GL will run faster then in software mode in any situation. The only exception would be if you have no graphic card at all, or very low megabytes on it - such as 8 - will surely give you trouble because the last ProQuake GL release was in 2002 and at that time nobody had that low MB on their vidcard but the standard was 64 going to 128.
Here is another card, but this one is for dreaming purposes only.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6814195056If you do go for that card - which I highly recommend - and enjoy some other games, but if you need help setting up GL Quake, I will help you out, brightness and all.