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 Post subject: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 4:50 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:49 pm
Posts: 49
I was wondering if the Rune Quake mode could be used like CRMOD is used now? Essentially add some features to the Rune Quake mod so that you do match mode and duel mode, etc.

Basically, CRMOD is a very old mod that has little hope for being updated, while the RuneQuake mod is very robust and has a lot of features and could possibly become the pre-eminent mod for NetQuake, meaning it could be used for almost any situation.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 3:46 am 
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There is a 1vs1 match mode, and it's playing constantly at The losing players cycle each match, rather than pick teams.

a random mod server:

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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 7:22 pm 
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desh wrote:
I was wondering if the Rune Quake mode could be used like CRMOD is used now? Essentially add some features to the Rune Quake mod so that you do match mode and duel mode, etc.

My intention was never to replace CRMod with adding its features to Rune Quake, but more so to expand the features of Rune Quake so that CRMod players wouldn't hate it so much and maybe to shut Baker up. :)

Slot Zero

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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:47 pm 
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Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 11:01 pm
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I know Baker has been in touch with JPG about digitally signing proquake, maybe he could talk about releasing the CRMOD source? I have to agree, CRMOD is by far needing updates. It is a solid mod, but it is just getting old.


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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:46 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
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Slot Zero wrote:
CRMod players wouldn't hate it so much and maybe to shut Baker up. :)


The European players in particular love RuneQuake as a replacement for CRMOD because they are bigtime into custom maps. CRMOD only supports 10; those guys are actually using 150 of the 200+ that RuneQuake supports.

Although I don't know for sure, I have a feeling they vote the runes off most of the time and mostly play vanilla DM with it.

Bam wrote:
I know Baker has been in touch with JPG about digitally signing proquake, maybe he could talk about releasing the CRMOD source? I have to agree, CRMOD is by far needing updates. It is a solid mod, but it is just getting old.

When I was initially talking with JPG, it was just about getting it digitally signed. After several exchanges, mostly of me updating him on what I either fixed in the engine or how I made the engine more modern but in a very subtle way (video mode switching, etc.), instead of digitally signing it he asked if I would be interested in taking over ProQuake.

I thought about bringing the issue of CRMOD up, but I think RuneQuake is so close vs. the kind of effort it might take to update CRMOD.

CRMOD is fine for matches, even with the handful of things that on rare occasions cause problems.

However, RuneQuake is perfect for vanilla FFA deathmatch and almost perfect for serious DM. Add in the rocket arena support and all the flexibility and RuneQuake is the perfect public DM like. Kind of like how you can do airshot, practice mode, or instagib in CAx.

With map download capability built into the engine (this will happen by summer), the flexibility of RuneQuake's huge custom map support will really be invaluable for public servers.

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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:38 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:49 pm
Posts: 49
Yah, runequake is a very robust mod. The server is almost perfect for a FFA server, although it would be nice if the maxspeed was set at the default value of 320 rather than 350.

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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:52 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:17 am
Posts: 196
Why would you like to crawl (walk) when you can run (400)?

All experienced players have always-run mode on, which takes advantage of the maximum allowed server move speed. Me myself I set all the move variables to 999.

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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 3:42 am 

Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:49 pm
Posts: 49
It's just nice to have consistency across servers w/ regards to player speed. I'm not saying that all servers should be at 320 maxspeed, just ones that are trying to be more like normal quake.

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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:24 am 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
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Had 11 players, many of which normally only play CRMOD, play a match game there tonight on DM3 with no complaints. :P

Slot makes it look so easy, but this really is an amazing mod.

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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:25 pm 

Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:37 am
Posts: 20
hi there guys, as you may know i'm administering the euroquake servers and i got some feature/bugfixes requests:

issues i'd like to see resolved (reference runequake 1.3):

- classic megahealth option
- random player-spawn-order (as it is, it is NOT random, so please make them random, or better yet: admin cofigurable)
- fix automatic switch to RL on pickup (other weapons work fine)
- admin configurable default settings for each game mode (either by .cfg or settings.qc or admin menu, i'd prefer .cfg)
  (or at least make cvars for weaponstayon/off classicmegaon/off and any other votable options that don't have these cvars for that matter ;))
- match mode tends to become fubar after a match is aborted (for example if only one player is ready it would start the countdown)
- "individual mode" or "FFA with match-timer" or whatever you wanna call it.. this makes for nice FFA-tourney mode.
- duel mode (maybe use RocketArena-like lineup but with match-mode gameplay)
- optional setting to make maps start out without any tactical items like armor, megahealth and powerups.
  Spawn those in after some time (like 20 seconds, but make it admin configurable) to give every player
  a fair chance of getting the first RA,MEGA,powerup. (ala warsow)
- ROCKET ARENA and MIDAIR section in the custom maps list and make the mod only pick those maps for those modes respectively on timelimit/fraglimit.

also, what's the maximum number of custom maps that can be added to the custom maps list using the online script?

thanx for the good work, keep it up! :D


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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:32 am 
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Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:41 pm
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These have already been addressed:

=peg= wrote:
  • classic megahealth option use vote-classicmega
  • admin configurable default settings for each game mode (either by .cfg or settings.qc or admin menu, i'd prefer .cfg) Each mode can be changed via the bottom of team.qc, I can move it to settings.qc if it's less confusing.
  • make weaponstayon/off classicmegaon/off and any other votable options that don't have these cvars for that matter All of the vote options can be used in this fashion, exactly in the way you describe.
  • match mode tends to become fubar after a match is aborted (for example if only one player is ready it would start the countdown) [fixed]

These items will be addressed prior to 1.4's release:

=peg= wrote:
  • random player-spawn-order (as it is, it is NOT random, so please make them random, or better yet: admin cofigurable)
  • fix automatic switch to RL on pickup (other weapons work fine) please clarify this
  • optional setting to make maps start out without any tactical items like armor, megahealth and powerups. Spawn those in after some time (like 20 seconds, but make it admin configurable) to give every player a fair chance [...]

These might not make it into 1.4's release:

=peg= wrote:
  • "individual mode" or "FFA with match-timer" or whatever you wanna call it.. this makes for nice FFA-tourney mode. There is no limit to the number of teams you can have, so, even though techinically not FFA, it's possible to have 16 player FFA in a timed gamed if they all use diff colors :D
  • duel mode (maybe use RocketArena-like lineup but with match-mode gameplay) please clarify this
  • ROCKET ARENA and MIDAIR section in the custom maps list and make the mod only pick those maps for those modes respectively on timelimit/fraglimit.
    please clarify this

=peg= wrote:
also, what's the maximum number of custom maps that can be added to the custom maps list using the online script?

I'll get back to you on this, I can't recall off the top of my head.

Slot Zero

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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:56 am 

Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:37 am
Posts: 20
classic megahealth option use vote-classicmega

i noticed but its not in the 1.3 source (unless i missed something ;)) cheers anyways!

admin configurable default settings for each game mode (either by .cfg or settings.qc or admin menu, i'd prefer .cfg) Each mode can be changed via the bottom of team.qc, I can move it to settings.qc if it's less confusing.

thanx for pointing that out! moving it to settings.qc would be less confusing for sure (i'm only a qc noob ;))

make weaponstayon/off classicmegaon/off and any other votable options that don't have these cvars for that matter All of the vote options can be used in this fashion, exactly in the way you describe.

that's great! cheers! but for 1.3 as is, the only way to set weapons-stay on (without actually voting) is by setting the deathmatch value.. (unless i missed something)

match mode tends to become fubar after a match is aborted (for example if only one player is ready it would start the countdown) [fixed]

nice! :D

fix automatic switch to RL on pickup (other weapons work fine) please clarify this

suppose you only use one +attack button (no direct fire aliases like +rl "impulse 7;+attack") then when you spawn and run over the RL, it won't switch to RL unless you manually do so.. this is not the case however for all other weapons..
(personally i use a +rl alias so this does not affect me, but other players have complained about it)

edit: i had a look at weapon.qc and from what i can see, my guess is: automatic switching to RL/GL on pickup was deliberately left out (probably on request too ;) and i can see why.. walking over RL in the middle of an axe-fight would be suicide.. i guess it is just a matter of personal preference..).
so it has pro's and cons, either way i think people should use client-side bestweapon anyways.. ;)

"individual mode" or "FFA with match-timer" or whatever you wanna call it.. this makes for nice FFA-tourney mode. There is no limit to the number of teams you can have, so, even though techinically not FFA, it's possible to have 16 player FFA in a timed gamed if they all use diff colors :D

ah that's cool! i noticed 1-1-1 was possible in match-mode but it was borked.. guess it's fixed now then :D cheers!

duel mode (maybe use RocketArena-like lineup but with match-mode gameplay) please clarify this

i know that when match mode is locked, duel mode is effectively already present but i was thinking about a mode where only 1-1 is possible and the other players get in line like in rocket arena to take on the winner of the previous round.. however unlike rocket arena this is not a one frag ordeal but rather a timed match (say 5 or 10 minutes much like in warsow)

in other words: observers would get in the challengers cue and the first in line would be the new challenger for the next round (loser of the previous round becomes last in line of the challengers cue)
pressing "2" would get you in and out of the challengers cue just like in rocket arena / midair-mode

ROCKET ARENA and MIDAIR section in the custom maps list and make the mod only pick those maps for those modes respectively on timelimit/fraglimit.
please clarify this

as it is now, typing "custom" in console will show a list of custom maps devided in 3 categories (small, medium, large)
what i'm suggesting is adding 2 more categories: rocket arena and midair
it would look like this:

aerowalk aggressr auhdm2   bless
blizz2   e1m5duel edc      jvx1
kjdm3    kjdm7    mgdm2    pkeg1
rf2      safe2    skull    ultrav
utressor xntrick  ztndm4   ztndm5


ac4      alk08dm  baldm6   baldm7
baldm8   bovine   bsdm7    bsdm8
bsp      carddm1  chesdm1  cleaver
crdm1    dakyne   dazdm13  dranzdm8
efdm8    efdm9    fort01   klzvob
madness  mncrdrug nindm3v2 p3a
qtdm3    safe1    sanity   spd
tree     xl1dm4   ztndm3


androm9  asylum   baldm3   cmt1
cmt3     crdm2    damaul7  dazdm12
dmfdm1   dmfdm2   dranzdm6 efdm12
fragtwn6 gmdm1    kikdm3   omdm1
q1dm17   q1edge   q3dm6qw  rocket

Rocket Arena

23ar-a   chamber1 misexpo3
2pyramid crandome misexpo4
2towers  dm2arena nilsrar3
aqua_ra1 dom2_1ra pen2   
aqua_ra2 egyptra  pitarena
aqua_ra3 endif    ptucket
aqua_ra4 football qurexpo1
arenarg2 gear8    ra_funkf
arenarg4 gearpr0n rarena3
arenarg5 gibexpo1 rayexpo1
arenarg6 gnurena  rayexpo2
arenax   hill20   rayexpo3
arenazap iarena2  rayexpo4
arendm1a id3      rgarden
arenrg3a lowgrav  rockgate
arma4    marena2  soyarena
barena1  marena3  terrain2
basarena marena4  uarena1
bbarena2 mayan1   unholy 
bunmoo3  misexpo1 xarena3
bunski   misexpo2 yard1   


condemned midair4 pegmidair1
midair    midair5 pegsmash1
midair3   omsair           

and it would be cool if the mod only picked from the rocket arena list when the it's in rocket arena mode
and if the mod only picked from the midair list when the it's in midair mode.

i know these are a lot of maps in this particular example and it would probably go over the 200 maximum..
but hey! we like to play lots of custom maps and i got loads more i'd like to add ;)
if there is anyway to make a virtually unlimited number of votable maps that'd be great! for the time being i use a work around that has nothing to do with the mod itself..
connect to and say !maps in main-chat to see what i mean.. ;)

also, what's the maximum number of custom maps that can be added to the custom maps list using the online script?
I'll get back to you on this, I can't recall off the top of my head.

cheers, appreciated! thanx for your time slot :D

changing vector WEAPON_CHARGED_OFFSET in settings.qc and recompiling does not seem to have any effect whatsoever... just a heads up..

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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 4:02 am 
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=peg= wrote:
edit: changing vector WEAPON_CHARGED_OFFSET in settings.qc and recompiling does not seem to have any effect whatsoever... just a heads up..

Thanks, I just fixed this.

Slot Zero

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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 4:50 am 

Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:37 am
Posts: 20
hehe me too! easiest fix ever ;)

    also, as far as i'm concerned:

    never mind my previous request:
    - ROCKET ARENA and MIDAIR section in the custom maps list and make the mod only pick those maps for those modes respectively on timelimit/fraglimit.

    i found a better solution to this myself by making the mod always select bakers "rockgate" map after one of the rocket arena maps is played (as long as the mod is in MODE_ARENA that is)

    i'll just make a similar selector map for midair mode.. :D

thanx anyways ;)

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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:38 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
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All of these improvements are going to pay-off.

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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:44 pm 

Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:37 am
Posts: 20
Baker wrote:
All of these improvements are going to pay-off.

yes! euroquake is finally more or less in shape! it still has the odd crash but that's probably not related to the mod...

with default settings for each mode and rocket arena finally working as intended, things are looking good!

btw, midair mode is great fun! gonna make some more maps for it :)

thanx for all the effort that went into runequake! it rocks now :D

(awaiting 1.4 with patience ;))

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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:51 pm 
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I added random spawn today. Seems to be working OK.

Slot Zero

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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:52 pm 

Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:37 am
Posts: 20
cool :D

you're da man!

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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 1:30 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:49 pm
Posts: 49
Is there a way to turn off the quad and pent appearing on top of the player's head?

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 Post subject: Re: Add features to Rune Quake to replace CRMOD
PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:09 am 

Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:49 pm
Posts: 49
Another thing I would like to see implemented for match mode is the ability not be forced to spawn in immediately after being killed. After being killed, the player would need to actively choose to spawn back in (usually by pressing the jump or fire key), and if the player does not actively spawn back in, then they are then forced back into play after 5 seconds.

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