Yes, please delete it. Slot, if you would be honorable enough you will respect my wish. If I wanted it to be up, I would have posted it myself. It is still missing stuff, such as drawings and movie demos of me. Since it is mine and I wrote it myself, I will sell it and give it for free to some people here that really deserve it - nice people - which asked me for it.
Further, you do not have to judge. If you do not like it, simply close it out and do not read it. What I notice is that many are quick to run their mouths on drama without actually making any "work." If you would spend this much time on doing something "useful" for somebody else, they would be much more appreciative than you hurting them and making fun of them. The world would be a much better place.
Putting my Quake-Skills aside, it is not important how you perceive it - what is important is its intent. Which was to help others. Sorry if I am not "worthy" and "CA-hard core" enough. Quake is Quake - I love this game, it is what brought us together in the first place - and the mod is not important. My *overall* aim was to unite Quake 1, not be divided among mods. You gotta look at the *global* picture here peoples, not just within your own *square.* This mentality exemplifies immaturity.
Everything that Baker posted was false. What I noticed about him is that he will get mad and ban if he has been outsmarted. Although I never did this directly, it pissed him off from the content of my posts - they simply surpassed him - and that is when he chickened out and pulled out his mighty "ban" button.
All of this stuff, any person with common sense who would read the forums would come to my conclusion. When Baker sums it up as a big slanderous lie, it will be taken for truth because people are reluctant to read everything on their own and they will go with the shorter version from an Admin.
Now, touching on the major points of his accusations. I never posted porn, since Baker does not watch any porn, and who does not, lol, at least come across it to positively identify it - otherwise he would know - my picture was actually one of an actual mental patient in a Asylum in the 1950s roaming around with a hospital robe and his shlong was barely visible that I did not even notice it until Phenom started crying as a little weener about it - being small of course he does not even notice his own. As soon as I noticed that, I put a black square over it and promptly offered and apology.
Of course, Baker, comes in gunz blazing with the might ban button. That picture was from a simple search of Google which was "mental patient."
The drawing of Canadian.Sniper was never with his cock showing, it was through clothes - I still have it now - because it is funny. These are the kind of drawings people make in High School to make fun of others. Although, I removed it at his request - even before the Quake 1 Admins got to it - it is no big crime. It is not that serious people, really. Made in fun, I will never get mad if people make funny pictures of me - as long as they are not clearly racist.
The other incident actually, Scarecrow of I3D being brainwashed by Baker's lies posted that I am a threat to people in real life along with the pornography picture allegations. I never made threats to anybody and I am not a killer - lol - how ridiculous, and of course I demanded it to be taken down, who would not? If someone posted that Baker was a drug-dealer and it was not true, he would delete it pronto. Typical hypocrisy.
Phenom was actually sexually harassing me at Quake 1 - Baker left that out. Him being Baker's clan pet friend, of course Baker took his side and banned me once I sent him Phemon's public inappropriate posts to the Quake One Admins along with my concerns.
In conclusion, when you are an Admin-Troll, or one that has become one, it becomes really difficult in protecting your identity. Admins posses your private-info, can steal your work and ban you - such as what Baker did. He was a really negative experience for me and one that taught me never to go to forums again - I will surely pass that message along to others.
Out of disgust, I told him to keep the Quake One Guide written by my Aunt although my real wish was him to delete it as I wanted to have no part of me associated with their site.
This goes against their philosophy when they call me crazy and stupid, yet keep my work. You can not separate some things from a person.
According to you, if I am crazy, then my work is too and therefore it must be deleted. If you would be true to yourself you would honor your own mentality. It does not matter who wrote it, it came from the same house and IP address. When you ban a bot you ban the whole IP - it does not matter who in the house did it. Therefore be consistent with yourself please.
Further, I do not know what Baker's real problem is. He says he drinks a lot in one of his posts and that affects his common sense sometimes. Simply put, it is a medical fact that you can not make sound decisions while being drunk - same as it is illegal to drive drunk - you cannot make sound judgements. I would expect him to know that by now - however old he is.
Among his other lame excuses is one where he does not read my posts. He blocks them out because he knows I beat each one of them with my points one by one.
There is still another forum which I am a happy and proud member of. I "survived" there because everybody there acts as "gentlemen." Even at QuakeOne, everybody liked me - except Phenom lil weener, Baker and Omicron - all troublemakers - and ask why I am "permanently banned." It is Baker that hides and shoves things under the rug and does not tell the *real* reason.
It was *personal* - and that violates Admin code of being *impartial.* When a person has power they can get away with a lot of unfair things because they control their environment by building up a wall of lies around them to protect them and blinding others with it. This is Baker's case and he only banned me from his forum - that is it.
Call me crazy, whatever, the truth is evident.
This whole thing really turns me off and I have actual plans for today. Go to the Museum with my friend and work on my art. I kept this post as short as possible because I have things to do.
I am sorry if I "annoyed" you guys with me wanting to make you more intelligent than you "already" are.
My fault.
P.S. It is a very funny fact that although I am physically gone my spirit is still here, because you guys keep thinking and typing about me. If I was really gone - none of these posts made about me would exist - think about it.
I win here and in the game because I love God - you should too
My point is proven. Kthnxbye.